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(Affidavit of Allen D. Graf)
Oswald often complained about the Marine Corps; he seemed to me to resent all military authority. He also seemed narrow-minded, refusing to listen to the views of others.
Once, at the rifle range, I had a long discussion with Oswald concerning why he found it difficult to adapt to the Marine Corps. He explained that his mother had had a great deal of trouble during the depression and that when he was young, he had often not had enough to eat. He felt that he had been forced to accept responsibility at a premature age. He remarked that he was tired of being "kicked around." Oswald never gave to me any indication of favoring Communism or opposing capitalism. It was difficult to judge the level of Oswald's intelligence, because he seldom stated his opinions. However, with regard to his job in the Marine Corps, Oswald learned quickly. Oswald went to a great many movies, and did not often engage in sports. It is my recollection that Oswald enjoyed firing a rifle, and scored in the "high expert" range. Oswald did not drink excessively, and kept his temper--if indeed he had a temper--in check. I have no recollection of Oswald's studying foreign languages; of where he went when he had time off; of his reading habits or religious beliefs; or of any nicknames for him. Nor do I remember his having any dates. Signed this 15th day of June, 1964, at Buffalo, N.Y. (S) Allen D. Graf, ALLEN D. GRAF. --------------- John Rene Heindel Affidavit of John Rene HeindelThe following affidavit was executed by John Rene Heindel on May 19, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of New Orleans, ss: I, John Rene Heindel, 812 Belleville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, being first duly sworn, depose and say: That I served in the United States Marine Corps from July 15, 1957, until July 15, 1961. I was stationed at Atsugi, Japan, with Lee Harvey Oswald. I recall that Oswald was often in trouble for failure to adhere to rules and regulations and gave the impression of disliking any kind of authority. While in the Marine Corps, I was often referred to as "Hidell"--pronounced so as to rhyme with "Rydell" rather than "Fidel." This was a nickname and not merely an inadvertent mispronounciation. It is possible that Oswald might have heard me being called by this name; indeed he may himself have called me "Hidell." However, I have no specific recollection of his either using or hearing this name. Although I generally regarded Oswald as an intelligent person, I did not observe him to be particularly interested in politics or international affairs. While in Japan, Oswald drank a good deal, at times becoming intoxicated. He was willing to do so because he did not greatly care whether or not he got back to the post on time. Oswald did not often talk back to his superiors, but was likely to complain about their orders when he was alone with his fellow Marines. Oswald generally went on liberty by himself; I therefore do not know what his activities off post were. I do not recall Oswald's being called by any nicknames. Although our Marine Air Group was sent to Formosa for a period of time, I am unable to remember Oswald's being there. Signed this 19th day of May, 1964, at New Orleans, La. (S) John Rene Heindel, JOHN RENE HEINDEL. David Christie Murray, Jr.
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