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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 309« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Allison G. , Lt. Col, Usmc Folsom)

Mr. Ely.
In other words, then, Oswald wanted to stay overseas longer than he was scheduled to have been over there?

Colonel FOLSOM. Yes.
Mr. Ely.
I note, also, on page 10 that this extension which had been approved was later canceled, on July 13, 1958.
Is there any way of determining from this record what the reason for this cancellation was?
Colonel FOLSOM. No; other than knowledge of the system, which indicates that the local commander withdrew his approval of the extension as a result of the disciplinary action.
Mr. Ely.
So we might guess that because this followed his second court-martial, that was the reason?
Colonel FOLSOM Yes; and it followed it very closely.
Mr. Ely.
Now, we will move all the way over to page 26, and I want to ask you about only one entry here--actually it is two entries relating to one event.
On January 19, 1959, the record discloses that Oswald departed El Toro for Yuma, Arizona, and that on January 26, 1959, he returned to El Toro from Yuma.
Is there any way of telling from this record for what purpose he went to Yuma?
Colonel FOLSOM. Yes. The record shows that he departed MCS, MCAS, El Toro, for ADEX, 1-59, which is a designation for an air defense exercise, the first one held during 1959.
Mr. Ely.
Turning to page 27, I just want to clear up one detail that might be confusing to somebody who has been in the Army rather than in the Marine Corps.
It is here noted that Oswald was, at least for part of his career, private, first class, and at the same time his pay grade was "E-2". Am I correct in asserting that in the Marine Corps a private is an E-l, a private first class is an E-2, your E-3 is a lance corporal, and your E-4 is a corporal?
Colonel FOLSOM. This is correct. This is under the new rank structure.
Mr. Ely.
Turning now to page 36 of Folsom Deposition Exhibit 1, I want to ask you about only one abbreviation here. This is one that is indicated for both the periods June 27, 1958 through June 30, 1959 and July 1, 1958 through July 24, 1958. It is an abbreviated CNF SSCM. What does that stand for?
Colonel FOLSOM. Confined, serving sentence--it should be summary court-martial, but let me look at the record.
Mr. Ely.
You mean there should be three "S's"?
Colonel FOLSOM. I just want to be sure somebody didn't goof and ring a special in here.
Yes--serving sentence, summary court-martial.
Mr. Ely.
Turning now to page 106 of the exhibit, we have here a document relating to the high school level general educational development tests which were taken by Oswald on March 23, 1959. Page 106 reports the scores received by Oswald on each of these five tests, and also converts each score into a so-called United States percentile.
However, it does not make clear what the five areas in which Oswald was tested were. Could you tell us what they are?
Colonel FOLSOM. Yes. The high school "GED" test covers five areas. One, English literature; two, English composition; three, social sciences; four, physical sciences; five, mathematics.
Mr. Ely.
Is it the case that those five that you have just read off were read in the same order as they are numbered on the score sheet?
Colonel FOLSOM. Yes. The battery is administered in the sequence in which it appears on the report.
Mr. Ely.
And am I correct in asserting that on this test Oswald received a rating of satisfactory?
Colonel FOLSOM. This is correct. I believe USAFI rates as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
Mr. Ely.
Well, that is not entirely clear. We have a rating code printed in the lower right-hand corner.
Colonel FOLSOM. Well, they have two passing ones--satisfactory, and "D" with distinction, and "U", unsatisfactory.
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