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(Testimony of Allison G. , Lt. Col, Usmc Folsom)Colonel FOLSOM This is correct. Colonel FOLSOM That is correct. Colonel FOLSOM. No score is recorded. It is merely to familiarize the people with the operation of the weapon. Colonel FOLSOM. That is correct. Colonel FOLSOM. Yes; at Jacksonville he was undergoing instruction in aviation fundamentals school, course "P." And at Keesler Air Force Base, he was undergoing a course of instruction in air control and warning operator's course. Both of these courses were of 6 weeks' duration. Colonel FOLSOM. Yes; it is an Air Force School. Colonel FOLSOM. Yes; we have cross training with all the other services. Colonel FOLSOM. The test form was Department of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, PRT-157. This is merely the test series designation. Now, under "understands" the scoring was minus 5, which means that he got five more wrong than right. The "P" in parentheses indicates "poor." Under reading he achieved a score of 4, which is low. This, again, is shown by the "P" in parentheses for "poor." Colonel FOLSOM. This is correct. And under "writes" he achieved a score of 3, with "P" in parentheses, and this indicates he got three more right than he did wrong. His total score was 2, with a "P" in parentheses meaning that overall he got two more right than wrong, and his rating was poor throughout. Could you, Colonel, tell us about these six categories, what they are, and what Oswald's scores in each of them means? Colonel FOLSOM. Yes. I will take this in sequence. The "RV" indicates reading and vocabulary, and the score, Roman numeral II-125 indicates that he was in the second category. Categories throughout the test battery run from I to IV, with IV being the highest. The abbreviation "AC"---arithmetical computation--and the score Roman numeral III-108, indicates that he dropped into the third class. "AR" is arithmetical computation, Roman numeral III-90, indicates that he was at the bottom of the Grade 3 in this area. "PA" indicates pattern analysis, Roman numeral III-94 indicates that he was the bottom portion of the third group in this category. Now, these four areas are grouped into a general classification test score, the abbreviation "GCT" represents that definition. And as a result of Oswald's
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