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(Testimony of Marilyn Dorothea Murret)Miss MURRET. I worked in Australia and New Zealand and Japan. Miss MURRET. As a teacher; yes. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Well, it depends what your field is. I was teaching science, which is the same--they have a teacher's college which is 2 years, and, if anything, you would have more than they have. Mis MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. At Juno. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. After I came home one evening, because when I heard it, I was eating lunch, and a little boy in my class came over and told me that he had been shot. So they all had their radios on, and I ran over back to the class, and I listened to it. And I remember the first part, where they said that there was a lady and a man, and they said that they had somebody else, 30 years old, and I didn't even hear at that time anything of having Lee at all, until I got back home. I think that was because I had left school about 3:30, or maybe a little earlier, and up until that time I don't think they had had something about Lee because it was only a lady and a man, and some other man that they thought was a foreigner. Miss MURRET. Slightly ! Miss MURRET. Of course. Miss MURRET. No, no. Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Well, so many theories have been expounded, if he did, and I don't really know why, but I don't think, as some people said, because he was jealous of Kennedy and all that Kennedy stood for. I don't think it would have been that. I don't know what he would gain by killing the President when somebody else could take over the Government just as effectively--I mean with our governmental system. So, if he did it, it would--I don't know, unless it was to discredit America in the eyes of the world. Miss MURRET. No. You mean envy, or something, or desire to---- Miss MURRET. No; and most people have that opinion. I don't think so.
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