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(Testimony of Marilyn Dorothea Murret)Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. I don't think he knew any better. He didn't know the cars were segregated, I don't think. I don't know. I just remember my mother telling me whether or not he knew, or whether he did it, you know, defiantly--I don't know. Miss MURRET. I went to Mexico and all through Central America and Panama. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. By bus and station wagon. Miss MURRET. No; public transportation. Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. No. Miss MURRET. On this trip, no. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. My family. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Well, just, in other words, he had the Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets, and they took him to jail. And my sister had to go and get him out. And, of course, she didn't know what he was in there for, and so my mother was in the hospital at the time and my mother was not supposed to have that operation until the fall, you know, but then they decided to have it then. So, anyway, she was in the hospital for that, and I think she said that Lee came up to see her--but I don't know if it was after, the next day, or before she was operated on--came to see her at the hospital--and then that must have been the date when he left and was distributing the pamphlets. So he called up and he told Joyce that he was in jail, and to come and get
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