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(Testimony of Marilyn Dorothea Murret)
Marilyn Dorothea Murret, a witness, having been duly sworn by Mr. Wesley J. Liebeler to testify the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help her God, testified as follows:
I understand Mr. Rankin wrote you last week and told you that I would be in touch with you concerning the taking of your testimony, and I understand that he enclosed with his letter a copy of the Executive order to which I have just referred, as well as the copy of the Joint Resolution of Congress, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Commission governing the taking of testimony of witnesses, is that correct? Miss MURRET. Yes, sir. Miss MURRET. Yes, sir. Miss MURRET. Yes, sir. Miss MURRET. Marilyn Dorothea Murret. Miss MURRET. 757 French. Miss MURRET. New Orleans. Miss MURRET. Well, except for the time I traveled and I lived 2 years in St. Louis. Miss MURRET. Well, from elementary on? Miss MURRET. I went to John Dibert Elementary School, and John McDonogh High School. Miss MURRET. Yes, sir; and Loyola University, and L.S.U. at Baton Rouge, and Tulane, and a summer at Duke, and University of California, the Sorbonne, and University of Madrid, and St. Louis University---- Miss MURRET. I just have a B.A., and the others were educational courses--instead of going to one school, I just went to various ones. Miss MURRET. Tulane. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Yes. Miss MURRET. Yes.
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