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(Affidavit of Roy Sansom Truly)Affidavit of Forrest V. SorrelsThe following affidavit was executed by Forrest V. Sorrels on August 6, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, Forrest V. Sorrels, being duly sworn say: 1. I am the Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas district of the United States Secret Service. 2. On November 24, 1963, I attended the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police Station. Those present included: Captain Fritz; Thomas J. Kelley, Inspector of the United States Secret Service; Postal Inspector Harry Holmes; and several Dallas City Detectives. 3. I do not recall that during this interrogation Oswald being questioned about or him making Statements about a trip that he took to Mexico or plans that he had to go to Cuba. Signed this 6th day of August 1964, at Dallas, Tex. (S) Forrest V. Sorrels, FORREST V. SORRELS. John Joe Howlett ----------------- Affidavit of John Joe HowlettThe following affidavit was executed by John Joe Howlett on. August 11, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, John Joe Howlett, being duly sworn say: 1. I am an agent in the Dallas office of the United States Secret Service. 2. On March 20, 1964, counsel to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy timed me as I walked from the southeast corner of the sixth floor to the second floor lunchroom by the stairway in the Texas School Book Depository Building. 3. During this test, I carried a rifle from the southeast corner of the sixth floor northerly along the east aisle to the northeast corner, then westerly along the north wall past the elevators to the northwest corner. There I placed the rifle on the floor. I then entered the stairwell, walked down the stairway to the second floor landing, and then into the lunchroom. 4. After the second test which was run at a fast walk," I was not short-winded. Signed this 11th day of August 1964, at Dallas, Tex. (S)John Joe Howlett, JOHN JOE HOWLETT. Marrion L. Baker -------------------- Affidavit of Marrion L. BakerThe following affidavit was executed by Marrion L. Baker on August 11, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, Marrion L Baker, being duly sworn say: 1. I am an officer in the Dallas Police Department.
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