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(Testimony of Lawrence F. O'brien)Mr. O'BRIEN. It seemed to be residential, and a great deal of small industry. The crowd looked to me to be middle to upper class business type to a great extent. Mr. O'BRIEN. No; I did not. Mr. O'BRIEN. No; I had not. Mr. O'BRIEN. There was a tremendous change in crowd attitude, which, again, we commented on in the car. It seemed as though it occurred suddenly, but yet nevertheless in retrospect it did grow as you approached the business center. Then you found yourself going down a road, on both sides high buildings, confetti, the crowds out in the street, allowing just a narrow lane for the motorcade. And I would have to describe that crowd as enthusiastic. In fact, perhaps I should say wildly enthusiastic. Mr. O'BRIEN. On rare occasion you saw a Goldwater sign, or some sign of that nature, conservative sign, I guess, but not many. It was not an unusual situation, as I recall. Mr. O'BRIEN. I recall the motorcade stopping, and it seems to me it was for the purpose of the President greeting some school children. However, I am not clear in my mind. I do recall a slowdown or an actual stopping on at least one occasion, and perhaps more than one occasion, between the airport and downtown Dallas. And I should add that those in the car in which I rode, to a man, commented on the great enthusiasm of the crowds in downtown area. I think they were making reference to it particularly because there was somehow or other--we all concluded this was a comparison that could be made with the crowds we had just gone by. Mr. O'BRIEN. Yes; I do. Mr. O'BRIEN. Yes; I do. Mr. O'BRIEN. I don't recall the name of the street. But I recall distinctly a right turn. Mr. O'BRIEN. That is right. Mr. O'BRIEN. It seemed that when we made the turn off the Main Street, that the crowds petered out. It was a very normal termination of a parade route. And we just felt that while there were people on the streets, it was not the massive crowd that we had just passed over several blocks. And I believe that my reaction was this is about the end of the parade route, and we were about to just sort of settle back. There were people still on the street, but you could see that this route was--this parade route was about to terminate. Mr. O'BRIEN. Yes; I did. Mr. O'BRIEN. No; I could not. Mr. O'BRIEN. As I recall, our car was about to make that turn, and it would seem to me, therefore, the President's car was in the process of making the left turn. I would think that approximately the time he was swinging on this curving
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