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(Testimony of Forrest V. Sorrels)Of course the lead car was in front. We went around to the emergency entrance. I jumped out of the car, and I expected to see stretchers there, out waiting, but they were not. And I ran to the entrance door there, and at that time they began to bring stretchers out, and I said, "Hurry up and get those stretchers out," and someone else, probably one of the police officers, also said to hurry up and get the stretchers out. There was a lot of confusion around at that time. And they did get the stretchers out. And then Mr. Johnson--they brought him into the hospital, he rushed into the hospital. And they took Mr. Connally in, loaded him first, and then the President, and just as quick as they got in there, I immediately went into a police car that was leaving and asked them to take me to the building as fast as they could, and when I said the building I meant the one on the corner there, which was the Book Depository. And upon arrival at the Book Depository, I went in the back door. There were people moving around. I asked, "Where is the manager here?" How much time do you think elapsed from the time the shots were fired until the time you returned to the Book Depository? And we came back as fast as we could. Of course we didn't get back as fast as we went out there, because traffic was moving. The other way it was just cleared out to the Trade Mart. We had clear sailing from the time that the shots were fired until we got to the Trade Mart, because that was the route that we were going to go anyway. And that was cleared out. But coming back, of course, there was traffic. We did come back under lights and siren, as fast as we could. But there was traffic that slowed us up some.
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