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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 207« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of John P. Adamcik)

Mr. Adamcik.
Well, she was questioned through an interpreter, and an affidavit was gotten from her also. I know she was showed the rifle in my presence.
I was there with Captain Fritz and myself and Detective Senkel, and the rifle was showed to her then, and she looked at it, and I remember her saying through an interpreter that it did look like the rifle, but she didn't say, but it did look like the rifle that Lee Oswald, that was in the garage previous to finding the blanket eventually.
Mr. Belin.
When you say finding the blanket eventually, did she say the blanket was there?
Was it simply that when you showed the blanket to the officers, apparently she made some remark that about a week or so previous to that her husband's rifle had been wrapped in a blanket?
Mr. Adamcik.
I can't remember exactly how long. I don't remember when she said the last time was she saw it.
Mr. Belin.
Did Mrs. Paine indicate she ever saw the rifle there?
Mr. Adamcik.
I can't remember. I took an affidavit, and I know I questioned her about the rifle, and I can't remember whether she ever said.
I would have to see the affidavit. I don't have a copy. I don't believe she said she seen the rifle. I believe that she said she saw the blanket there, but I am sure that that would be in the affidavit. That would be in the affidavit, though.
Mr. Belin.
Now anything else happen there?
Mr. Adamcik.
No; after Mrs. Oswald was questioned, I took an affidavit from Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Belin.
Then what did you do?
Mr. Adamcik.
I think this other detective, I think Senkel, probably took one from Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Belin.
You mean Marina, Lee Oswald's wife?
Mr. Adamcik.
That's right, the wife.
Mr. Belin.
Then what?
Mr. Adamcik.
Shortly after we got through with him, with this, I believe Lee Oswald's mother came in. I don't remember whether she had been in previous and was in some other office, but I know they brought her in the same office we were in at that time, and after we got through, they were all sitting in the same room together, Mrs. Oswald, Lee's mother, and the wife, and the children, and Mrs. Paine, and Michael Paine.
Mr. Belin.
Did Lee Oswald's mother say anything?
Mr. Adamcik.
No; she kind of didn't say anything definite. She kind of had the feeling--I don't know how to explain it-- just like this, well, she didn't realize what really happened and just couldn't quite understand it, or something. She didn't say.
Mr. Belin.
What about Lee Oswald's brother?
Mr. Adamcik.
To me, he was in there, too. I didn't break that up. He seemed rather calm to me. He was real calm and real collected.
Mr. Belin.
Did he say anything at all?
Mr. Adamcik.
Not to me, not in my presence.
Mr. Belin.
All right, then, what did you do?
Mr. Adamcik.
I was asked by Captain Fritz to take these people home, and he wanted me to take someone with me, and I took Lieutenant McKinney, who was one of the lieutenants in the forgery bureau. I used his car, and he went along with me to take these people home.
Mr. Belin.
Then what did you do? First of all, did they say anything more on the way home about the incident or not?
Mr. Adamcik.
No; I believe the only thing I definitely remember is that Marina Oswald kept saying, telling Mrs. Oswald that this was her home, and she still decided she would like to stay here. She didn't want to go back to Russia. I remember her saying that.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember someone saying that through an interpreter?
Mr. Adamcik.
Right. Mrs. Paine was there, and she could interpret.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
Mr. Adamcik.
She wasn't real good, but she could speak enough Russian to interpret a little bit.
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