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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 117« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Capt. W. R. Westbrook)

Mr. Ball.
Now, what did you do and what did you see?
Mr. Westbrook.
Well, there were several officers--there were some at the back and there were some in the front, and so I just hesitated a moment and then I walked on.
Mr. Ball.
You walked where?
Mr. Westbrook.
I think I come up this way.
Mr. Ball.
By "this way" you mean towards the parking lot?
Mr. Westbrook.
Towards the parking lot--yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Behind the Texaco service station?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes; behind the Texaco service station, and some officer, I feel sure it was an officer, I still can't be positive pointed this jacket out to me and it was laying slightly under the rear of one of the cars.
Mr. Ball.
What kind of a car was it?
Mr. Westbrook.
That, I couldn't tell you. I told the officer to take the make and the license number.
Mr. Ball.
Did you take the number yourself?
Mr. Westbrook.
Mr. Ball.
What was the name of the officer?
Mr. Westbrook.
I couldn't tell you that, sir.
Mr. Ball.
I offer this as Exhibit B, which is identified as "37. Parking area behind Texaco station," and on which the witness has marked "old house."
(Instrument marked by the reporter as "Westbrook Exhibit No. B," for identification.)
(Instrument marked by the reporter as "Westbrook Exhibit No. C," for identification.)
Mr. Ball.
I show you another picture which is identified as "38. Place where jacket found behind Oldsmobile, License No. NL 95."
Does that look anything like the area where you saw the jacket?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Mr. Westbrook.
I would say that the jacket probably, if this is the area, was probably right along in here.
Mr. Ball.
Put a circle there in the general area.
(Witness complied with request of Counsel Ball.)
Mr. Ball.
The jacket was underneath a car?
Mr. Westbrook.
But, I am guessing on this--slightly underneath a car.
Mr. Ball.
What do you mean you are guessing on this--what are you guessing about?
Mr. Westbrook.
About where the jacket was found in this picture.
Mr. Ball.
You mean it was under----
Mr. Westbrook.
It was under a car, but I don't know whether it was under the one I put it under or not.
Mr. Ball.
It might have been under one or the other of the cars, you couldn't swear which?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes, it could have been under any of the other cars, but I think it was kind of along in the middle of the parking lot.
Mr. Ball.
I offer this as Exhibit B of Captain Westbrook's deposition. Now, you don't know the name of the officer?
Mr. Westbrook.
No; I probably knew his name, but we see so many things that were happening so fast.
Mr. Ball.
Do you recognize anything in that picture?
Mr. Westbrook.
(Examining instrument referred to.) No; I don't.
Mr. Ball.
This is No. 39, which I identify for the record.
(Instrument marked by the reporter as "Westbrook Exhibit No. D," "39. View of alley behind Texaco station parking lot.")
Mr. Westbrook.
I still think this is the house here I think this is the old house and this is the parking lot and I would say the jacket was found behind this row of cars. It seemed to me like there was some more room from where the Cars were from what is shown there back this way.
Mr. Ball.
Point out the old house.
Mr. WESTBROOK, This one.
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