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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 108« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Seymour Weitzman)

Mr. Ball.
I have three pictures here which I have marked, respectively, D, E, F. I show you D first. Does that look anything like the location where you found the gun?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; this is taken the opposite side the flat I was looking under.
Mr. Ball.
Looking from the top side of this picture?
Mr. Weitzman.
Well, I would be looking over--Boone was looking the top side; I was looking under the flat. We were looking over everything. I was behind this section of books. I believe there were more books in here [indicating].
Mr. Ball.
What do you mean "in here"?
Mr. Weitzman.
In this area [indicating] because at the time we found the gun there were no boxes protruding over the gun.
Mr. Ball.
In this area, you mean protruding over the gun?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; it was more hidden than there.
Mr. Ball.
I show you the picture marked E. Does that look anything like the area where the gun was found?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; it does.
Mr. Ball.
I show you the picture marked F. Is that another picture of the same area?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; as well as I remember, the gun was right in here [indicating].
Mr. Ball.
Would you mind making a mark there with a pen? That is on F. Draw on Exhibit F, draw an arrow. The arrow in ink on F shows the location?
Mr. Weitzman.
Down on the floor.
Mr. Ball.
Shows the location of the gun on the floor?
Mr. Weitzman.
Mr. Ball.
Was there anything between the place the gun was found; were there any boxes between where the gun was found and the stairway?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; there was a row of boxes between the stairway and the gun because we came up the stairway and we couldn't help but see it if it was in the open.
Mr. Ball.
Take E here and make a mark on E as to the location of the place where the gun was found.
Mr. Weitzman.
Same area.
Mr. Ball.
The same area and the arrow marks the place where the gun was found?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir.
(Off record discussion.)
Mr. Ball.
In the statement that you made to the Dallas Police Department that afternoon, you referred to the rifle as a 7.65 Mauser bolt action?
Mr. Weitzman.
In a glance, that's what it looked like.
Mr. Ball.
That's what it looked like did you say that or someone else say that?
Mr. Weitzman.
No; I said that. I thought it was one.
Mr. Ball.
Are you fairly familiar with rifles?
Mr. Weitzman.
Fairly familiar because I was in the sporting goods business awhile.
Mr. Ball.
What branch of service were you in?
Mr. Weitzman.
U.S. Air Force.
Mr. Ball.
Did you handle rifles?
Mr. Weitzman.
Mostly Thompson machine guns and pistols.
Mr. Ball.
In the Air Force, what were you?
Mr. Weitzman.
I started out as a flying sergeant.
Mr. Ball.
You flew the plane?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
How did you end up?
Mr. Weitzman.
I ended up flying them; ended up in a prison camp.
Mr. Ball.
Mr. Weitzman.
I was overseas in Japan.
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