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(Testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw)Dr. SHAW. All right, you are welcome. (Discussion between Counsel Specter and the witness, Dr. Shaw, off the record.) Dr. SHAW. No. Dr. SHAW. No; only fragments of shattered rib. Mr. SPECTER. And did you find, or do you know whether any fragment was found in his wrist or the quantity of fragments in his wrist? Dr. SHAW. It is my understanding that only foreign material from the suit of Governor Connally was found in the wrist, although in the X-ray of the wrist there appeared to be some minute metallic fragments in the wrist. Mr. SPECTER. As to the wound on the back of Governor Connally, was there any indication that the bullet was tumbling prior to the time it struck him? Dr. SHAW. I would only have to say that I'm not a ballistics expert, but the wound on his chest was not a single puncture wound, it was long enough so that there might have been some tumbling. Dr. SHAW. The wound on his back--yes, it was long enough so that there might have been some tumbling. In other words, it was not a spherical puncture wound. Mr. SPECTER. So it might have had some tumbling involved, or it might not have? Dr. SHAW. Yes; I don't know whether the clothes would have occasioned this or not. Mr. SPECTER. My question would be that perhaps some tumbling might have been involved as a result of decrease in velocity as the bullet passed through President Kennedy, whether there was any indication from the surface of the wound which would indicate tumbling. Dr. SHAW. The wound entrance was an elliptical wound. In other words, it had a long diameter and a short diameter. It didn't have the appearance of a wound caused by a high velocity bullet that had not struck anything else; in other words, a puncture wound. Now, you have to also take into consideration, however, whether the bullet enters at a right angle or at a tangent. If it enters at a tangent there will be some length to the wound of entrance. Mr. SPECTER. So, would you say in net that there could have been some tumbling occasioned by having it pass through another body or perhaps the oblique character of entry might have been occasioned by the angle of entry. Dr. SHAW. Yes; either would have explained a wound of entry. Testimony of Dr. Charles Francis GregoryDr. SHAW. Thank you. Dr. Charles Francis Gregory TESTIMONY OF DR. CHARLES FRANCIS GREGORY
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