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(Testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry Oliver)
shooting, including the medical attention received by President Kennedy at Parkland Hospital, in which Dr. Perry participated.
With that preliminary statement of purpose, would you please stand up, Dr. Perry, and raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give before the President's Commission in these deposition proceedings will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Dr. PERRY. I do. Dr. PERRY. Malcolm Oliver Perry. Dr. PERRY. Physician and surgeon. Dr. PERRY. Thirty-four. Mr. SPECTER. Are you duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas? Dr. PERRY. Yes. Dr. PERRY. Starting with high school? Dr. PERRY. I attended high school at Allen High School and at Plano High School, graduating from the latter in 1947. I entered the University of Texas from whence I duly graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1951. I went to Southwestern Medical School of the University of Texas for the subsequent 4 years, graduating in 1955 with a degree of Doctor of Medicine. I interned at Letterman's Army Hospital in San Francisco, and returned to a residency in surgery at Parkland Hospital in July 1958. I finished that residency in June 1962, and then returned to San Francisco and spent 1 year as additional specialization in vascular surgery. I then returned in September 1963, to Southwestern Medical School of the University of Texas as an assistant professor of surgery. Dr. PERRY. Well, as is accustomed, I was at that time on two services, both a general surgery service and a vascular surgery service as a consultant and attending surgeon. Mr. SPECTER And, what were you doing specifically shortly after noontime on November 22? Dr. PERRY. Well, at the time of the incident in question, I was having lunch in the main dining room with the chief resident, Dr. Ronald Jones, in preparation for the usual Friday rounds at 1 o'clock with the residents. Dr. PERRY. Dr. Jones, as I say, and I were having lunch when an emergency call came over the speaker system for Dr. Tom Shires, who is the chief of surgery. I knew that Dr. Shires was in Galveston giving a paper and was not in the hospital, so Dr. Jones picked up the page to see if he or I could be of assistance. We were informed by the hospital operator that Mr. Kennedy had been shot and was being brought to Parkland Hospital for care. Mr. SPECTER. And what action did you take as a result of learning those factors ? Dr. PERRY. The dining room was located one floor up from the emergency room, so Dr. Jones and I went immediately to the emergency room to render what assistance we could. At the time of our arrival in the emergency room, the President was already there, and as I entered trauma room No. 1, Dr. James Carrico, the surgical resident on duty, had just placed an endotracheal tube to assist respiration. Mr. SPECTER. Who was present in addition to Dr. Carrico, if you recall, at that time? Dr. PERRY. I cannot with accuracy relate all the people that were there---- Dr. Carrico, I saw and spoke to briefly. There were several other people in the room. There were several nurses there---I don't know at this time who they were. Mrs. Kennedy was in the room and there was a gentleman with her and
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