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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 75« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Adolph Hartung , Jr. Giesecke)

Mr. SPECTER. And did you have any occasion to return to the room where the President was ?

Mr. Specter.
And where were you called to?

Dr. GIESECKE. I was called across the hall where Governor Connally was being moved out of the emergency treatment room and toward the operating room.
Mr. Specter.
And what action did you take at that time, if any ?
Dr. GIESECKE. I had my equipment with me I had taken my equipment with me from the room where the President was, having ascertained that Dr. Jenkins didn't need anything that I had, and so I proceeded to the elevator. We moved the equipment and the Governor--the Governor went on the first elevator and I caught the second one.
Mr. Specter.
And where did you go on the second elevator?

Dr. GIESECKE. To the second floor where the operating suite is, moved off of the elevator and down to operating room 5, which was being set up for the Governor. The Governor had arrived and I obtained from the anesthesia orderly an anesthesia machine, checked it for safe operation, and discussed the Governor's condition a little bit with him, and determined that he was conscious and that he could respond to questions and that he hadn't eaten in the previous several hours, and proceeded to induce an anesthesia.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, are all the details of your activity in connection with Governor Connally's operation contained in the report marked "Dr. Giesecke's Exhibit No. 1" ?
Mr. SPECTER. Now, you mentioned a few minutes ago that you talked about this matter with a number of people whom have you talked to, Dr. Giesecke?
Dr. GIESECKE. Well, of course, we discussed it with Dr. Jenkins and various members of the anesthesia staff. We have discussed it with--I've forgotten that gentleman's name, but he was from the American Medical Association, as a historian. We discussed it with Dr. Mike Bush, who then reported it in the Anesthesiology Newsletter, which is a publication of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and then discussed it with the Secretary of may I retract that. That's about it--that's the extent of the discussion, except with other members of the surgical staff and the anesthesia staff and these people.
Mr. SPECTER. Have you ever discussed this matter with any representative of the Federal Government prior to today?
Dr. GIESECKE. Yes; there was a well documented Secret Service man here who said he was from the Warren Commission about a month ago, I imagine.
Mr. Specter.
What do you mean by "well documented" ?
Dr. GIESECKE. Well, I mean he had a badge and a card and he seemed to be legitimate.
Mr. Specter.
And what did you tell him, if anything?

Dr. GIESECKE. He was asking rather specifically if we had made other notes than the reports that we had already submitted, so in essence it was just a matter of telling him, "No, I didn't have any other information written down except what I had already given."
Mr. Specter.
And what had you already given--that letter report ?
Dr. GIESECKE. Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
That is marked "Giesecke Exhibit No. 1" ?
Mr. Specter.
Has any other representative talked to you from the Federal Government about this matter ?

Mr. SPECTER. This afternoon prior to the time we went on the record, did I ask you a few questions and discuss the nature of this deposition proceeding, and did you give me information just as you have on the record here after the court reporter started to take everything down ?
Dr. GIESECKE. Yes; that's correct- She was out of the room for a few minutes before we started.
Mr. SPECTER. Do you have anything to add which you think might be helpful to the Warren Commission in its investigation?
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