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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 430« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William W. Whaley)

Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
You saw a lineup?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember what number he was in the lineup at all?

Mr. WHALEY. There was four of them, sir, and from the right to the left, he was No. 3.
Mr. Belin.
Starting from the right to the left, from his right or your right.
Mr. Whaley.
From your right, sir, which would have been his left. There were numbers above their heads, sir.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Whaley, what number did you say the man was in the lineup?
Mr. Whaley.
No. 2.
Mr. Belin.
From the right or from your right?
Mr. Whaley.
From my left.
Mr. Belin.
No. 2?

Mr. WHALEY. They brought out four of them and stood them up there, and he was under No. 2. I mentioned he was the third one that come out. There were four and all handcuffed together.
Mr. Belin.
Did you sign an affidavit for the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
I will hand you a document which I am calling Whaley Deposition Exhibit A, and ask you to say if your signature appears on there?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir; that is my signature.
Mr. BELIN. Now I notice in the statement there it says that you traveled Wood Street to Houston Street, turned left and went over the viaduct to Zangs Boulevard. You see that statement there?
Mr. Whaley.
Mr. BELIN. "Traveled Zangs to Beckley and turned left and traveled on Beckley until I reached the 500 block of North Beckley. When I got in the 500 block of North Beckley he said this will do and I stopped."
Now is that what you told them on that day?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir; that is what I told them on that day.
Mr. BELIN. Well, was that the fact that you drove until you reached the 500 block, or not?
Mr. Whaley.
No, sir, I didn't drive until I reached the 500 block. I drove until I reached Beckley and Neely. If you would be in my place when they took me down there, when they had to force their way through the reporters to get me in the office, they wrote that up, and I signed it, because I told them that the man said he wanted to go to the 500 block of North Beckley.
Mr. BELIN. All right. Now in here it says, "The No. 3 man who I now know is Lee Harvey Oswald was the man who I carried from the Greyhound Bus Station* * *"
Was this the No. 3 or the No. 2 man?
Mr. WHALEY. I signed that statement before they carried me down to see the lineup. I signed this statement, and then they carried me down to the lineup at 2:30 in the afternoon.
Mr. Belin.
You signed this affidavit before you saw the lineup.
Mr. Whaley.
Well, now, let's get this straight. You are getting me confused.
Mr. Belin.
Now, I will put it this way. There was an FBI reporter, FBI interviewer with you?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir; there was.
Mr. Belin.
And there was an interview with the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes. And Bill Alexander from the district attorney's office was there, also.
Mr. Belin.
All right, now, the last sentence.
Mr. Whaley.
Let me tell you how they fixed this up. They had me in the office saying that. They were writing it out on paper, and they wrote it out on paper, and this officer, Leavelle, I think that is his name, before he finished and before I signed he wanted me to go with him to the lineup, so I went to the lineup, and I come back and he asked me which one it was, which number it was, and I identified the man, and we went back up in the office again, and then they had me sign this. That is as near as I can remember.
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