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(Testimony of Mary E. Bledsoe)Mrs. BLEDSOE. Well, I think he called somebody--somebody called him, and I judged it was his wife. Mrs. BLEDSOE. And he called him to the phone, and seemed like that she was going to have a child and--- Mrs. BLEDSOE. From him, and then I thought he was going to move, and you see, I was tickled to death, so, then said, "Well, I will meet her," or, said that he would meet her, said he would go to the hospital and meet her, see, but he didn't never get to it, I Judged that is what he said. Mr. JENNER. Was this the first time you had any knowledge that his wife was with child? Mrs. BLEDSOE. This man who called and talked to him in the foreign language. I never did see him. Mr. JENNER. You assumed from that that whoever was on the other line was likewise talking in a foreign language, and you assumed a man, though you didn't know? Mrs. BLEDSOE. I don't know, so, I didn't say that, because I don't know, but I never did say anything about it. Mrs. BLEDSOE. I guess he is going to ask something, too, and I will be up here at 12. Mr. BALL. Mrs. Bledsoe, this deposition will be written up by the reporter, and you can take it and look it over if you wish and change it in any way and sign it, or if you wish to waive the signature we will have it written up and send it to the Commission as it is. Do you have any preference that way? Do you want her to waive the signature? Miss DOUTHIT. I think she can waive it. I don't see any reason for her to sign it. Mr. BALL. Then can we, on the advice of your attorney, will you waive the signature? Thank you very much, Mrs. Bledsoe.
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