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(Testimony of Mary E. Bledsoe)Miss DOUTHIT. You don't know whether it had a long strap or a little handle, do you? Miss DOUTHIT. But, it wasn't one you sling over your shoulder? Miss DOUTHIT. All right, can you go ahead? Miss DOUTHIT. Uh-huh. Not covered or anything? Miss DOUTHIT. You couldn't tell anybody about what color the clothes were, could you? Miss DOUTHIT. Did you stand in the yard and talk to the young man? Or immediately go into the room? Mrs. BLEDSOE Well, I immediately---I was talking to him, but I had to go in immediately, because he wanted to see the room. Miss DOUTHIT. All right. How far is it, Mrs. Bledsoe, from where you met this man at the front door until you showed him the room? Mrs. BLEDSOE. Well, it is about 25 foot, and all that time I had to size him up, you see. Miss DOUTHIT. You were talking to him as you went down the hall? Miss DOUTHIT. Is that where you learned that he was married, as you were walking down the hall? Miss DOUTHIT. All right, then, when you got to the room, did, you both walk inside the room, or stand in the door and talk? Miss DOUTHIT. Did he keep his clothes? Miss DOUTHIT. When he was talking to you, you don't know what he did, just stood and talked to you? Miss DOUTHIT. Did you leave his presence before he came into your room and signed the register? Miss DOUTHIT. Were you with, him? And took him into the room, and--- Miss DOUTHIT. Did you leave him in the room and you go on across to your room ? How far is your room from where you rented his room? Miss DOUTHIT. He never left your presence from the time you went in this room until he came over here? Miss DOUTHIT. All right, did he put his things in your room---or bring them with him? Miss DOUTHIT. All right, you don't know where he put them? Miss DOUTHIT. Is there a closet in that room ? Miss DOUTHIT. You don't remember whether he hung his clothes in the closet? Miss DOUTHIT. But, he left and came over where you were and signed your register, and then did he go back into his room or go down the hall and leave. the house? Miss DOUTHIT. All right. You don't know how long he stayed in his room? Miss DOUTHIT. Now, before he left your room, did he tell you anything about 731-222 O---vol.VI---28
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