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(Testimony of Clyde A. Haygood)Mr. BELIN. Now when you ran to the railroad yard, would that be north or south of Elm? Mr. HAYGOOD. In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I presumed to be a railroad detective that was in the yard. Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time some people came up and started talking to me as to the shooting. Mr. HAYGOOD. One Stated that he had seen the President when the first shot was fired, and that he definitely was hit. Mr. HAYGOOD. And I asked him about where the shots came from, and he stated that he didn't know, that he was looking at him when the first shot was fired, and that he slumped. And when the second shot was fired, he went completely out of sight. Mr. HAYGOOD. Yes. There was another one came up who was located, at the time he stated, on the south side of Elm Street back toward the triple underpass. Back, well, it would be north of the underpass there, and said he had gotten hit by a piece of concrete or something, and he did have a slight cut on his right cheek, upper portion of his cheek just to the right of his nose. Mr. BELIN. Would he have been to the front or to the back of the Presidential car at the time of the shot? Mr. BELIN. When he was standing, was he to the west or to the east of the President's car at the time of the shooting? Mr. HAYGOOD. And at that time, approximately, well, I was talking to him at the time this other man came up and told me that he didn't know what it was about, but he was quite sure the shot had come from this building there which he pointed out to be the Texas School Book Depository Building.
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