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(Testimony of Lee E. , Jr. Bowers)Mr. BALL. And when you heard the second and third shot, could you see the car? Mr. BOWERS. No; at the moment of the shots, I could---I do not think that it was in sight. It came in sight immediately following the last shot. Mr. BOWERS. At the time of the shooting there seemed to be some commotion, and immediately following there was a motorcycle policeman who shot nearly all of the way to the top of the incline. Mr. BOWERS. He was part of the motorcade and had left it for some reason, which I did not know. Mr. BOWERS. He came almost to the top and I believe abandoned his motorcycle for a moment and then got on it and proceeded, I don't know Mr. BOWERS. No; he left the motorcade and came up the incline on the motorcycle. Mr. BOWERS. He came up into this area where there are some trees, and where I had described the two men were in the general vicinity of this. The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The white shirt, yes; I think he was. Mr. BALL. Afterwards did a good many people come up there on this high ground at the tower? Mr. BOWERS. A large number of people came, more than one direction. One group converged from the corner of Elm and Houston, and came down the extension of Elm and came into the high ground, and another line another large group went across the triangular area between Houston and Elm and then across Elm and then up the incline. Some of them all the way up. Many of them did, as well as, of course, between 50 and a hundred policemen within a maximum of 5 minutes. Mr. BOWERS. That's right. Sealed off the area, and I held off the trains until they .could be examined, and there was some transients taken on at least one train. Mr. BALL. Is there anything that you told me that I haven't asked you about that you think of?
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