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(Testimony of Roger D. Craig)Mr. BELIN. Did he say in what direction the man was looking out the window? Mr. CRAIG. He was looking out in a southerly direction. Straight ahead. You know, straight out. Mr. BELIN. When he said the man was holding it at his side, would this be--did he say it was, in military terminology, in any kind of a position to hold a weapon? Mr. CRAIG No; this I don't go into with him. I turned him over to Officer Lewis for interrogation. Mr. BELIN. Would this be Deputy Sheriff Lemmy Lewis--(spelling) L-e-m-m-y L-e-w-i-s? Mr. BELIN. Now, about how long would this have been after the shooting that you left them with Deputy Sheriff Lewis? Mr. CRAIG. Well, I didn't talk with them long. I talked with them-all the time that he told me what he saw and the time that I turned him over to Officer Lewis, was probably---uh---3 minutes--3 or 4 minutes. Mr. CRAIG. Because---uh---I took him immediately up there to him when he told me what he'd seen. Mr. BELIN. By this time, had anyone said the shots might have come from that School Book Depository Building--do you know? Mr. BELIN. All right. Now, about how many minutes after the assassination or shooting was it that you turned this couple over to Sheriff Lemmy Lewis? Mr. CRAIG. Oh, it was about--well, I guess, 12 minutes---10, 12 minutes. Something like that. Mr. CRAIG. Well, I looked around for a little bit, you know, just observing the people and things, and Officer Lewis turned them over to someone else, as I recall, and sent them to the sheriff's office to Mr. Decker's office. And then it was either Lemmy Lewis or Buddy Walthers-(spelling) W-a-l-t-h-e-r-s, one' of our other criminal investigators, said that one of the bullets had ricocheted off the south curb of Elm Street. So, Officer Lewis and I crossed-walked down the hill and crossed Elm Street to look for the place where the bullet might have hit. Mr. BELIN. Did he say why he believed one of the bullets ricocheted off the south curb of Elm? Mr. CRAIG. No; we didn't find anything at that time. Now, as we were searching, we had just got over across the street, when I heard someone whistle. Mr. BELIN. Now, about how many minutes was this after the time that you had turned that young couple over to Lemmy Lewis that you heard this whistle?
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