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(Testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark)Dr. CLARK. Yes. Dr. CLARK. I was asked about this at the CBS conference and I stated that I personally saw no such wound. Dr. CLARK. The man who was conducting the conference. This was brought up by one of the physicians, I think Dr. McClelland, that there was some discussion of such a wound. Dr. CLARK. No. Mr. SPECTER. What was the origin, if you know, as to the inquiry on the wound, that is, who suggested that there might have been a wound on the left side? Dr. CLARK. I don't recall--I don't recall. Mr. SPECTER. Had there been some comment that the priests made a comment that there was a wound on the left side of the head? Dr. CLARK. I heard this subsequently from one of the reporters who attended the press conference with NBC. Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir. Dr. CLARK. They were on the right side of the President's body. Mr. SPECTER Now, you described the massive wound at the top of the President's head, with the brain protruding; did you observe any other hole or wound on the President's head? Dr. CLARK. No, sir; I did not. Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe, to make my question very specific, a bullet hole or what appeared to be a bullet hole in the posterior scalp, approximately 2.5 cm. laterally to the right, slightly above the external occipital protuberant, measuring 15 by 6 mm. Dr. CLARK. No, sir; I did not. This could easily have been hidden in the blood and hair. Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe any bullet wounds or any other wound on the back side of the President? Dr. CLARK. No, sir; I did not. Mr. SPECTER. Was the President ever turned over while he was in the emergency room? Dr. CLARK. Not in my presence; no, sir. Mr. SPECTER. And did you leave before, with, or after all the other doctors who were in attendance? Dr. CLARK. I left after all the other doctors who were in attendance, because I stayed with Dr. Burkley until we had the death certificate signed and the arrangements had been made to transport the President's body out of Parkland Hospital. Dr. CLARK. Dr. Burkley. Dr. CLARK. Yes. Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Clark, would your observations be consistent with some other alleged facts in this matter, such as the presence of a lateral wound measuring 15 by 6 ram. on the posterior scalp approximately 2.5 cm. laterally to the right and slightly above the external occipital proturberant--that is to say, could such a hole have been present without your observing it? Dr. CLARK. Yes, in the presence of this much destruction of skull and scalp above such a wound and lateral to it and the brief period of time available for examination--yes, such a wound could be present. Mr. SPECTER. The physicians, surgeons who examined the President at the autopsy specifically, Commander James J. Humes, H-u-m-e-s (spelling); Commander J. Thornton Boswell, B-o-s-w-e-l-l (spelling), and Lt. Col. Pierre A. Finck, F-i-n-c-k (spelling), expressed the Joint opinion that the wound which
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