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(Testimony of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill)
Mr. SPECTER. And is there any unusual status with respect to .your being married at this moment?
Mrs. HILL I was graduated from Wewoka High School and Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. Mrs. HILL I taught 7 years in Oklahoma City public schools and for the past year and a half I have been doing substitute teaching for the Dallas Board of Education. Mr. SPECTER. I think this will be the end of it--we have all of the records, and to the best of my expectation--yes; but you could be called anytime. You have both the pleasure and the discomfort, but the distinction of having been an eye witness. Mrs. HILL Well, I know, I have always been rather---I mean, it's not something you are you are not proud to say it, but I think it was part of history and I was glad I was there, but because I got publicity, because I think my children will be interested to know that someday that I was in it someway. Mr. SPECTER. Well, let me say, as to the best of my knowledge there are no further plans for the Commission to call you again. This transcript will be reviewed by me in Washington and by my colleagues in Washington and it is possible that you may be contacted again. Perhaps I might talk to you again by telephone or perhaps the FBI, or it is even conceivable the Commission might want to hear from you, yourself, in Washington, but my best estimate of the situation right now is that we have the basic information from you which we need. Mrs. HILL. I told the FBI the other day I did not want to go to Washington. I don't think I can take any more laughing at. Mr. SPECTER. Well, we won't call on you unless it is concluded that it is absolutely necessary. Mr. SPECTER. For the purposes of the record, this diagram which was used during the deposition of Mrs. Hill will be marked Hill Exhibit No. 5. (Instrument referred to marked by the reporter as Hill Exhibit No. 5, for identification.) Austin L. Miller Testimony of Austin L. MillerThe testimony of Austin L. Miller was taken at 2:40 p.m., on April 8, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. David W. Belin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
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