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(Testimony of Malcolm O. Couch)Mr. COUCH. Uh--roughly. It was out through the airport parkway to Mockingbird Lane to Lemmon, down Lemmon to Turtle Creek, down Turtle Creek to--uh--I'm not sure of those streets. I think McKinney or Cedar Springs. I'm not sure. Mr. BELIN. Well, if you aren't particularly sure---okay. What about when you got downtown to the center of Dallas? Do you remember what streets you went on? Mr. COUCH. Yes. Well, we came in on Harwood and then turned right on Main at the City Hall. Mr. COUCH Uh-uh---roughly---and I'm not sure---the fifth or sixth car back from the lead car. I'm not sure which one. Mr. COUCH. I would estimate uh--20 miles an hour. The speed had picked up some. Everyone gave a sigh a relief that---uh---it was over; and one of the cameramen, I remember, his camera broke and another one was out of film. Everyone was relaxed. And--uh--of course, then we turned north on Houston, and it was there that we heard the first gunshot. Mr. BELIN. All right. Before we get to the first gunshot--do you remember who was riding in the car with you? Mr. COUCH. Uh-as best I can it was Jimmy Darnell--Channel 5; uh--Bob Jackson--Times Herald; Jim Underwood---KRLD-TV; and the fellow--uh--Mr. Dillard--Tom Dillard--Dallas Morning News. And the driver of the car; I don't know his name. Mr. BELIN. Do you remember anything about your position as to the way you were sitting in the back? Mr. COUCH. Yes; I was almost in the middle and sitting on the--it was a convertible and sitting on the back of the back seat, with my feet on the seat. Mr. BELIN. All right. Now, as you turned north on Houston, do you remember about how fast you were going? Mr. COUCH. Well, I'd say still that--of course, allowing for the turn--that the pace of the motorcade was about the same. We were clipping along and, as I said, I do have films after we had turned the other comer, and you could still see that the motorcade was moving fairly fast.
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