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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 142« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Margaret M. Henchliffe)

Miss HENCHLIFFE. Well, how do you describe a stretcher---it's just a long----

Mr. Specter.
Made of metal?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes; it's made of metal.
Mr. Specter.
On roller wheels?

Miss HENCHLIFFE. Roller wheels with a rubber mattress on it, rubber covered mattress on it.
Mr. SPECTER. And after he was taken off of the stretcher, what was left on the stretcher at that time?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Just some sheets and I guess there were some dirty syringes and needles laying on it that we picked up.
Mr. Specter.
That you picked up---where were they placed?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. We placed them on a tray and took them all out to the utility room.
Mr. Specter.
How many sheets were there on the stretcher?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Well, I am really not sure---there was probably about two or three.
Mr. Specter.
And in what position were they all on the stretcher after President Kennedy's body was removed

Miss HENCHLIFFE. Well, one was covering the whole mattress and there was one or two that we had left just under his head, that had been placed under his head.
Mr. Specter.
And what was done with those sheets?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. They were all rolled up and taken to the dirty linen hamper.
Mr. Specter.
Do you know who took those to the dirty linen hamper?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. To the best of my knowledge, the orderly.
Mr. Specter.
And who was he?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. David Sanders---is that his name?
Mr. Specter.
And what was done with the stretcher?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. It was rolled into the room across the hall.
Mr. Specter.
Did you actually see the stretcher that President Kennedy was on rolled into the room across the hall?
Mr. Specter.
And into which room was it rolled?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Room 2.
Mr. Specter.
What was that?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Room 2.
Mr. Specter.
Emergency room No. 2?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER. And, when it was rolled into emergency room 2, were the sheets still all on, or were they off at that time?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. I believe they were off.
Mr. Specter.
Is it possible that the stretcher that Mr. Kennedy was on was rolled with the sheets on it down into the area near the elevator?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Are you sure of that?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. I am positive of that.

Mr. SPECTER. Have you anything to add that you think might be helpful to the Commission?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. No, sir; I don't think of anything.
Mr. SPECTER. Did I talk to you about the purpose of the Commission and the same questions that I have been asking and the answers that you have been giving for a few minutes before the Court reporter came in to take this down in shorthand?
Mr. Specter.
And did you give me the same information at that time?
Miss HENCHLIFFE. To the best of my ability.
Mr. Specter.
Thank you very much for coming.

(At this point the witness, Henchliffe, was thereupon excused from the deposing room.)
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