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(Testimony of Margaret M. Henchliffe)Permit me to make those documents available to you. (Handed instruments to the Witness Henchliffe.) Let me say that since yesterday I have contacted Mr. J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel, in Washington and he has authorized the taking of this deposition by letter, which I received today, so that it has been authorized, and the real question I have with you is whether it is all right with you to provide us with the information you have today, as opposed to sometime next week after you have had the 3 days' notice which you are entitled to if you want it? Miss HENCHLIFFE. It is all right with me. Mr. SPECTER. Is it all right with you to proceed and have your deposition taken today ? Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes, sir. Mr. SPECTER. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you shall give before this Commission as it is holding deposition proceedings now will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Margaret M. Henchliffe. Miss HENCHLIFFE. I am a nurse, registered nurse. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Parkland Memorial Hospital. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Parkland Memorial Hospital. Mr. SPECTER. And were you notified on that date that the President was on his way to the hospital? Miss HENCHLIFFE. No, sir; I didn't know it at the time until later. Miss HENCHLIFFE. I found out who it was when I went out to get blood. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Well, I guess it was about 2 ,minutes after he came in. Miss HENCHLIFFE. I was working with him in the emergency room. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Do what? Mr. SPECTER. Were you in the area of the emergency room before he came there? Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes; in fact, I helped wheel him on into trauma room 1. Miss HENCHLIFFE. He was between trauma rooms 1 and 2. Miss HENCHLIFFE. At the emergency entrance---no. It was after he came into the emergency room. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes. Miss HENCHLIFFE. Yes. Mr. SPECTER. And who else was present at the time you first saw him when he had just come into the emergency area? Miss HENCHLIFFE. Let me see, I think Dr. Carrico was there-he was there very shortly after--afterwards.
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