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(Testimony of Darrell C. Tomlinson)
that your best recollection was that it was stretcher A which came off of the elevator?
Mr. TOMLINSON. I don't remember the name of either one of them, but one was the FBI man and one was the Secret Service man. Mr. TOMLINSON. Well, he asked me about the stretchers, yes, just about the same thing we've gone over here. Mr. TOMLINSON. Approximately the same thing, only, we've gone into more detail here. Mr. SPECTER. What did you tell the Secret Service man about which stretcher you took off of the elevator? Mr. TOMLINSON. I told him that I was not sure, and I am not--I'm not sure of it, but as I said, I would be going against the oath which I took a while ago, because I am definitely not sure. Mr. SPECTER. Do you remember if you told the Secret Service man which stretcher you thought you took off of the elevator? Mr. TOMLINSON. Well, we talked about taking a stretcher off of the elevator, but then when it comes down on an oath, I wouldn't say for sure, I really don't remember. Mr. SPECTER. You say you can't really take an oath today to be sure whether it was stretcher A or stretcher B that you took off the elevator? Mr. TOMLINSON. Well, today or any other day, I'm just not sure of it, whether it was A or B that I took off. Mr. SPECTER. Well, has your recollection always been the same about the situation, that is, today, and when you talked to the Secret Service man and when you talked to the FBI man? initially identified stretcher A as the one which came off of the elevator car? Mr, SPECTER. And, then, when
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