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(Testimony of R. J. Jimison)Mr. JIMISON. Yes; it is. Mr. SPECTER. Did you ever take it down and put it in order yourself? Mr. JIMISON. No, sir; we never carry it down ourselves. The fact is---the purpose is---we have enough to do up there, and we have men up there to take care of that. Mr. SPECTER. Somebody else is supposed to take the elevator up there? Is that right? Mr. SPECTER. Was there any other stretcher placed on that elevator later that day? Mr. SPECTER. Are you the only man who would put the stretcher on the elevator if there were one? Mr. SPECTER. If a stretcher was put on there it would have to be in your presence? Mr. SPECTER What time did you put the stretcher from Governor Connally on the elevator? Mr. SPECTER Well, about how long after he was taken into the operating room, did you? Mr. SPECTER. And you say there was no other stretcher placed on that elevator from the time you put Governor Connally's stretcher on until the end of the day ? Mr. JIMISON. I don't remember his name, but shortly after that happened---I don't know, as I say, it was the Federal Government. Mr. SPECTER. What branch was he from? Mr. JIMISON. I thought he was from the Secret Service. Mr. SPECTER. How many times did you talk to somebody from the Secret Service. Mr. JIMISON. Well, I talked to him once; he just talked to me once. Mr. SPECTER. And what about? Mr. JIMISON. The same thing. Mr. SPECTER. And did you ever talk to anybody else about this fact? Mr. JIMISON. No.
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