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(Testimony of Jane Carolyn Wester)
Miss WESTER. The operating table was moved into the operating room and at that time they proceeded to start anesthetics on him and put him to sleep.
Mr. SPECTER. What doctors were in attendance of Governor Connally at that time. Miss WESTER. Dr.---there were many---Dr. Giesecke, G-i-e-s-e-c-k-e (spelling)---there were so many. Dr. Ray, I believe, was there, and there were many others---right offhand, I can't remember. Miss WESTER. I went as far as the doorway with him. Mr. SPECTER. Now, what was done with the stretcher on which he came to that point? Miss WESTER. I took the stretcher and rolled it to the center area of the operating room suite--rolled the sheets up on the stretcher into a small bundle. Miss WESTER. I believe there were two sheets and I rolled one inside the other up into a small bundle. Mr. SPECTER. What is the next normal procedure with respect to the number of sheets on such a stretcher in like circumstances? Miss WESTER. The cart---the mattress on the cart is covered with one sheet, the patient is usually covered with another. When they arrive in the operating room the sheet covering the patient is removed and a grey cotton blanket is placed over the patient and the sheets are rolled up and usually returned to the emergency room with the cart. Miss WESTER. There were several glassine packets, small packets of hypodermic needles---well, packed in and sterilized in. There were several others---some alcohol sponges and a roll of 1-inch tape. Those things, I definitely know, were on the cart, and the sheets, of course. Miss WESTER. Right off, I can't remember--- Miss WESTER. There could have been---I don't recall right off---I can't remember that. Miss WESTER. I know I set something down on the cart, I think it was a curved hemostat---I couldn't say for sure---I'm not sure. Miss WESTER.. There is a clock. Miss WESTER. I would say approximately 75 feet. Mr. SPECTER. Now, what did you do with the stretcher after Governor Connally was taken off of it ? Miss WESTER. I moved the stretcher back to the center area, fairly close to the clock, it Wasn't right under it, but fairly close, and an orderly, R. J. Jimison, walked up--- Miss WESTER. And he stood at the cart while I rolled the sheets up and removed the items from the cart, and from there he took the cart and proceeded to the elevator with it and the last time I saw him he was standing at the elevator with the cart waiting for him to be picked up. Miss WESTER. Not What I know of. Mr. SPECTER. Will you describe in a general way what that stretcher looked like? Miss WESTER. Well, it has four wheels and a lower shelf, a thin mattress on
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