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(Testimony of Ruth Jeanette Standridge)Miss STANDRIDGE. No, that's what I said---I. Just saw his feet, which I assumed it was--it was the same doctors. the stretcher until the time you got there to look and see just his feet? Miss STANDRIDGE. Just a second, I mean, just a few seconds. Miss STANDRIDGE. Yes. Miss STANDRIDGE. I asked the administrator who should I give them to, and they told me to give them to Governor Connally's party and they were in the minor medicine section and I went out there and there were two gentlemen out there and I asked them who I wanted to see---I wanted to see somebody in Governor Connally's party, and they opened the door and they asked for somebody, and he said he was---he identified himself as Cliff Carter. Miss STANDRIDGE. Yes. Miss STANDRIDGE. No. Miss STANDRIDGE. I've heard that it got lost and they found it in Representative Gonzales' office in a closet. Miss STANDRIDGE. I believe so. Miss STANDRIDGE. In Washington, D.C. Mr. SPECTER. Are you. limited in anyway from entering into the operating room area? Miss STANDRIDGE. We are limited, but there is a place where the spots are painted on the floor that is is legal for us to go through into the hallway into the nurses' station. Miss STANDRIDGE. Isn't into the premises---it's just in the hallway into the nurses' station. Mr. SPECTER. And what is the reason for limiting you from going beyond that into the operating room area? Miss STANDRIDGE. Well, we are not considered--we would be contaminating. Miss STANDRIDGE. Anesthesia equipment, that's right, and these spots are painted there, and if you don't have the proper shoes on, they will be a conductor, you know, and these spots are there for that area. Mr. SPECTER. Was Governor Connally removed from the stretcher at anytime while he was in the emergency room? Miss STANDRIDGE. No; he wasn't. He never went to X-ray or he wasn't taken off at all. Mr. SPECTER. Does the elevator that the stretcher was pushed into go only to the operating room? Miss STANDRIDGE. No; it stops on first floor and also goes up to delivery-up to the delivery room on third floor. Miss STANDRIDGE.. No patients--only classrooms and administrative offices----business offices. Miss STANDRIDGE. The delivery room---it opens up into the delivery room and then the post mortem wards. Mr. SPECTER. Do you have anything you would like to add which you think might be helpful to us in any way? Miss STANDRIDGE. Well, not that I can think of other than that I have already stated. Miss STANDRIDGE. Yes; I was in the room---I took the mop in. The orderlies
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