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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 67« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert A. Frazier)

Mr. Frazier.
portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments.
Mr. Specter.
Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.
Mr. Specter.
For identification purposes, has that fragment from the front seat been heretofore identified during your prior testimony?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes; it has. It bears Commission No. 567.
Mr. Specter.
Now, what did the comparative examination then disclose as among Commission Exhibits 399, 567, and 840?
Mr. Frazier.
That examination was performed by a spectrographer, John F. Gallagher, and I do not have the results of his examinations here, although I did ascertain that it was determined that the lead fragments were similar in composition.
Mr. Specter.
So that they could have come from, so that the fragments designated 840 could have come from the same bullet as fragment designated 567?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Were the tests sufficient to indicate conclusively whether fragments 840 did come from the fragment designated as 567?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Did you personally find any other fragments in the President's car during the course of your examination?
Mr. Frazier.
No; I did not.
Mr. Specter.
Now, where, according to information provided to you then, was the fragment designated Commission Exhibit 567 found?
Mr. Frazier.
That was found by the Secret Service upon their examination of the limousine here in Washington when it first arrived from Dallas, and Commission No. 567 was delivered by Deputy Chief Paul Paterni and by a White House detail chief, Floyd M. Boring, to a liaison agent of the FBI, Orrin Bartlett, who delivered them to me in the laboratory at 11:50 p,m., on November 22, 1963.
Mr. Specter.
Does that constitute the total chain of possession then from the finder with the Secret Service into your hands, as reflected on the records of the FBI?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Was there another fragment, was there any other fragment found in the front seat of the car?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes. Alongside the right side of the front seat, Commission Exhibit No. 569, which is the base portion of the jacket of a bullet was found, and handled in identical manner to the Exhibit 567.
Mr. Dulles.
And the front seat is the seat which would be the driver's seat?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Dulles.
And the Secret Service man on his right, I believe?
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Kellerman.
Mr. Dulles.
That was the seat from which this came?
Mr. Frazier.
Commission Exhibit 567 was found on the seat right beside the driver, and Exhibit 569 was found on the floor beside the right side of the front seat.
Mr. Specter.
The right side of the front seat, Mr. Dulles, as the prior testimony shows was occupied by Roy Kellerman and the driver was William Greer.
Mr. Dulles.
Right, Thank you.
Mr. Specter.
Would you state what the chain of possession was from the time of discovery of Exhibit 569 until the time it came into your possession, based on the records of the FBI, please, if you have those records available?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir. It was delivered by Secret Service Deputy Chief Paul Paterni, and SAC of the White House detail Floyd M. Boring of the Secret
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