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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 620« Previous

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mr. Gopadze.
*Mrs. OSWALD. Yes; I felt sorry for him. I knew it was difficult for him with his family. I felt sorry for him.
Senator COOPER. All right.
Senator RUSSELL. When you testified the second time in Washington, Mrs. Oswald, that you didn't think Mr. De Mohrenschildt was as dangerous as he sounds--that was your personal opinion--what did you mean by that?*
Here it is: "Mr. Mohrenschildt once took us out to the Fords' house. It was at New Year's, I think--Katya Ford's house. It was either Christmas or New Year's. I don't think Mr. De Mohrenschildt is as dangerous as he sounds. That's my personal opinion."
No one had said anything about him being dangerous, so why was that your opinion?** *
Mr. Gregory.
Off the record.
Senator RUSSELL. She understood that.
Mr. Gregory.
This goes into the record, of course?
Senator RUSSELL Yes, sir.
Mr. Gregory.
I think she's hesitated----
Senator RUSSELL I think she should explain it.
*Mrs. OSWALD. George is such a big mouth.
Senator RUSSELL Let's let her testify, if you don't mind?
Mr. Gregory.
I'm translating what she said.
Senator RUSSELL. Oh, is that what she said? I see. I'm sorry. I'm sorry--I didn't hear it.
*Mrs. OSWALD. George is such a loud mouth or big talker----
Senator RUSSELL. Big talker--that would be the equivalent, I'm sure.
*Mrs. OSWALD. I simply do not believe that--it is my intuition----
Mr. Gopadze.
No; that point?
*Mrs. OSWALD. It is my opinion that people that talk too much do little.
Senator RUSSELL. And did he talk too much or talk very loud? I don't know Mr. De Mohrenschildt.** *
Mrs. Oswald.
Very loud.
*He jokes all the time and people don't know when he talks sense and when he jokes.
**Sometimes he would say something jokingly and people would think that he's telling the truth.
Senator RUSSELL. Was that boasting about some imaginary achievement of his?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. It's simply his manner of speaking--of talking. It's his character.
Senator RUSSELL He didn't talk then about his feats of any kind, about performing any great feats?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. No; he never did.
Senator RUSSELL. It was merely his tone of voice and his manner of expression that made him sound dangerous?**
**Mrs. OSWALD. He was boasting about it, but he never would follow through.
Mr. Rankin.
You might tell the full story.
Mrs. Oswald.
Quite often he would be boasting about something big but he never did follow through.
Senator RUSSELL So he did talk about great achievements most of the time?*
**Mrs. OSWALD. Just like a fellow who is just a happy go-around man, a happy go-lucky man.
Senator RUSSELL. If there is nothing further, the Commission thanks you very much for your assistance, and you, Mr. Gregory, and above all, the very remarkable reporter who has been able to stay with us from the beginning.
The Commission will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman or Chief Justice Warren.
Mrs. Oswald.
Thank you very much.
Senator RUSSELL. Thank you.
(Whereupon, at 8 p.m., the President's Commission adjourned.)
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