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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 618« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mrs. Oswald.
At first there were two military men who later left, and they accompanied me or rather they showed me to the room where Colonel Aksenov was. We were the only two in the room.
Mr. Rankin.
Now, your husband said that before you both left for the United States, he had an interview with the MVD. Do you recall that?*
Mrs. Oswald.
Before we left where?
Mr. Rankin.
Before you left the Soviet Union?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. I do not know about this.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you recall anything like that while you were in Moscow before you left for the United States?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. No.
Mr. Rankin.
You were never told about anything like that by your husband?
*Mrs. OSWALD. No.
Mr. Rankin.
By anyone else?*
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
You were not present at any such meeting?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. No.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know of any meeting of that kind in Minsk?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. He never told me that he had interviews.
Mr. Rankin.
He said he quarreled with them trying to expedite the visas, the exit permits, and where was that?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. In Minsk.
Mr. Rankin.
And did he tell you whom he talked to when he quarreled with them about the exit visas?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. I do not know their names, but all the people that were empowered with issuance of the exit permits.
Mr. Rankin.
Was that the time that you said he tried to get to see Colonel Aksenov and they wouldn't let him?* **
Mrs. Oswald.
It could have happened before we moved because he apparently had a conversation with the Colonel.**
**I remember it was cold.
Mr. Gregory.
May I ask Marina--will you mind to read the question?
The REPORTER. "Was that the time that you said he tried to get to see Colonel Aksenov and they wouldn't let him?"
Mr. Rankin.
I was asking about the meeting with the MVD.
Mr. Gregory.
Lee meeting with the MVD in Minsk?
Mr. Rankin.
Yes--about the exit visas.
Mr. Gregory.
And you wanted to know the year and the month of the year?
Mr. Rankin.
No; I was first trying to find out what meeting she was talking about and whether it was the one she referred to later.
Mr. Gregory.
When she could not get the audience with the man?
Mr. Rankin.
That's right.* **
*Mrs. OSWALD. It was approximately in January 1962.
Mr. Rankin.
And did he tell you what happened at that meeting?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. He did not meet with--he did not get to see Colonel Aksenov.
Mr. Rankin.
But he did see someone else in there?
*Mrs. OSWALD. Apparently he talked to someone who substituted or was inferior to Colonel Aksenov.
Mr. Rankin.
And what did he tell you happened at that time?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. Lee told me that when he came to MVD he asked to see Colonel Aksenov, and the people in the office asked him the nature of the business he wanted to discuss with him, and he told them that it was about exit visas, and they told him that he could not see Aksenov, but that they, whoever "they" were, were empowered to act on that question, but he insisted on seeing the colonel, and he did not get to see him.
Mr. Rankin.
Then what happened?*
*Mrs. OSWALD. Then he came home--then I went to MVD, then he sent me to MVD. I said, "I don't want to go there and he said, "I insist." Then, I was afraid to go there, but I did go, and the Colonel did not eat me up.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you talk to the colonel about both your visa and your husband's at that time?*
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