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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 573« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson)

Mr. Slawson.
frequently do assist them. This goes back many years. But I haven't been myself concerned in this for probably 25 years, or even more.
Senator COOPER. But is it the practice that if a determination has been made that the individual is an American citizen, therefore entitled to what protections are given to American citizens, if necessary, loans will be made to assist them to return to the United States? Is that about the basis of the policy?
Ambassador THOMPSON. That is correct; yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. I think that is all I have.
Mr. Dulles.
Did you have any conversations at any time while you were Ambassador or after you returned to the United States with any Soviet official with regard to the Oswald case?
Ambassador THOMPSON. I discussed with the Soviet Ambassador the desire of the Commission to receive any documentation that they might have available, but I did not in any way discuss the case itself, nor did the Soviet official with whom I talked.
Mr. Dulles.
And do you know of any conversations of that nature that any other official of the Department had in connection with the Oswald case?
Ambassador THOMPSON. I do not myself know of any.
Mr. Dulles.
You probably would, would you not, if that had taken place---of any importance?
Ambassador THOMPSON. Off the record.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Dulles.
Your testimony is you have no knowledge of any other conversations other than that of the Secretary of State, in connection with communications to and from the Soviet Government on this case?
Ambassador THOMPSON. That is correct. I know of no other cases where it was discussed with Soviet officials.
Mr. Dulles.
That is all I have.
Mr. Slawson.
Thank you very much, Mr. Ambassador.
(Whereupon, at 3:40 p.m., the President's Commission adjourned.)

C. Douglas Dillon
Wednesday, September 2, 1964

Testimony of C. Douglas Dillon

The President's Commission met at 12:05 p.m., on September 2. 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Senator Richard B. Rus-sel, Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Gerald R. Ford, Allen W. Dulles, and John J. McCloy, members.
Also present was J. Lee Rankin, general counsel.
The Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, would you please rise and follow me.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God.
Secretary DILLON. I do.
The Chairman.
Mr. Rankin will conduct the examination, Mr. Secretary.
Secretary DILLON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Secretary, will you state your name and residence, please?
Secretary DILLON. C. Douglas Dillon of Far Hills, N.J., presently residing in Washington, 2584 Belmont Road, NW.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have an official position with the Government?
Secretary DILLON. Yes, I do. I am the Secretary of the Treasury.
Mr. Rankin.
In that capacity do you have responsibility for the Secret Service of the United States?
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