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(Testimony of Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson)Ambassador THOMPSON. He was in Texas the last I heard. I draw a blank on his name at the moment, although I know him quite well. Senator COOPER. It appears from the testimony that we have heard that Lee Oswald appeared at the Embassy on October 31, 1959, and stated he wished, to renounce his American citizenship. As I understand, at that time you wet, out of the Soviet Union. Ambassador THOMPSON. That is correct. Senator COOPER. Was Edward L. Freers, Charge d'Affaire? Ambassador THOMPSON. Yes, sir. Senator COOPER. Was there a consulate in Moscow? Ambassador THOMPSON. There is a consular section of the Embassy, bu not a separate consulate. Senator COOPER. Who had charge of the consulate section of the Embassy? Ambassador THOMPSON. At that time I believe it was Mr. Richard Snyder. Senator COOPER. And was he the one who advised you on your return to Moscow that Oswald had applied to the Embassy and stated that he wished to renounce his citizenship? Ambassador THOMPSON. I believe that is correct, I think the counselor was also present at the time. I think both of them informed me. Senator COOPER. We have had in evidence dispatches from the Embassy at Moscow upon this question, and the matter was referred to the Department of State as to what steps should be taken towards his renunciation. Was that the normal way of the Embassy handling such applications for renunciation of citizenship? Ambassador THOMPSON. Yes, sir; I believe that would be done in every case. Senator COOPER. Did the State Department have any policy, other than reference to the State Department, as to the approval of such applications? Ambassador THOMPSON. I believe our practice is that whenever we are convinced that the man is serious, and knows what he is doing, that this is allowed to take place the renunciation is accepted. Senator COOPER. Is there a policy or practice of attempting to determine whether the person is serious, or whether the person might change his or her mind after the original renunciation application? Ambassador THOMPSON. Yes; that is correct. Because, as I said earlier, there have been cases where people have changed their minds in a very few days. Also, there is always the possibility that someone might be temporarily of unsound mind or some other reason, why it would need to be ascertained that they were aware of what they were doing. Senator COOPER. There is also in evidence a letter, or a dispatch from the Embassy to the Department of State, dated May 26, 1961, signed for the Ambassador by Edward L. Freers, minister counselor. This dispatch deals with the application of Oswald to secure a renewal of his passport. Were you out of Moscow at that time? Ambassador THOMPSON. What was the date, sir? Senator COOPER. May 26, 1961. Ambassador THOMPSON. I believe I was in Moscow at that time. I took a trip within the Soviet Union from May 10 to 14, 1961, but I believe I was there on May 9. Senator COOPER. Then these dispatches, they were sent in your name, or by someone for the Ambassador? Ambassador THOMPSON. Yes; but I don't recall having been shown them. Mr. SLAWS0N. For the record, Senator Cooper, could I state that the dispatch of May 26, 1961, you referred to is Commission Exhibit No. 936, and the memorandum you are also reading from is Commission Exhibit No. 935.
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