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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 531« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Bernard William Weissman Resumed)

Mr. Weissman.
Mr. Jenner.
I will mark this sheet as Commission Exhibit No. 1051.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 1051 for identification.)
Mr. Jenner.
Would you tell us in what envelope Commission Exhibit No. 1051 was enclosed?
Mr. Weissman.
Commission Exhibit No. 1043.
Mr. Jenner.
And what is Commission Exhibit No. 1051?
Mr. Weissman.
Commission Exhibit No. 1051 was a current membership list as of about January 4, 1963. If you like, I can go over this and tell you who was in no way really associated with it at the time or active.
Mr. Dulles.
Membership in CUSA?
Mr. Weissman.
In CUSA, yes. It lists Larrie Schmidt, Larry C. Jones, Bernie Weissman, Norman Baker, James Moseley as partners. Members as Ken Glazbrook, Bob Weiss, who was not active after about--at about the time this was printed--these men dropped from the active list. Herb Starr was not active. Chuck McLain was not active. Richard Harsch was not active. Hank Tanaro was not active. Sheila McDonald was not active. And the rest of the list were active in one form or another--some to a much lesser degree than the others.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, the 50-odd responses that you received to Commission Exhibit No. 1031, when you went to the post office box on the following Sunday, the 24th of November 1963, did you recognize the names of any of the persons who responded?
Mr. Weissman.
None--none at all.
Mr. Jenner.
Was there any response from Jack Ruby?
Mr. Weissman.
Not under his name.
Mr. Jenner.
And you say about a third of those responses were favorable and two-thirds unfavorable.
Mr. Weissman.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Insofar as the questions asked on Exhibit--Commission Exhibit No. 1031 are concerned?
Mr. Weissman.
The Chairman.
When you said there was no letter in the box under the name of Jack Ruby does that infer that there was one by any other name?
Mr. Weissman.
Well, to put it very exact, if I did receive a letter from Jack Ruby, I have no knowledge of it.
The Chairman.
That is what I wanted to know.
Mr. Jenner.
And apart from--I asked you also the general question whether you recognized any names. I would like to add to that---did you recognize in reading over any of those letters or responses any persons, regardless of what name was signed to the document ?
Mr. Weissman.
None whatsoever.
Mr. Jenner.
During the noon recess I have had the witness read through an interview with him by the FBI on the 5th of December 1963. You have read that?
Mr. Weissman.
Yes; I have.
Mr. Jenner.
Does that accurately reflect the interview which the FBI had with you on that day?
Mr. Weissman.
It does. The only variance you might find is that at the time I had the interview with the FBI, I did not develop the CUSA story with them. And they did not press the issue, and I did not go into it.
Mr. Jenner.
But it does accurately reflect what took place during the course of that interview.
Mr. Weissman.
Mr. Jenner.
What you said--it reports it accurately.
Mr. Weissman.
Yes; very accurately.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Chief Justice, I was using this method in order to shorten the balance of Mr. Weissman's testimony. There are many details here that I wanted to spare the Commission.
I will mark that with the next exhibit number, Commission Exhibit No. 1052.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 1052 for identification.)
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