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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 433« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Alan Surrey)

Mr. Surrey.
Yes; I do.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit 998 for identification.)
Mr. Jenner.
And does the encirclement of the home there appear to be General Walker's home?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir; it does. I don't see a house that should be in the corner.
Mr. Jenner.
You say corner--you mean----
Mr. Surrey.
Right there.
Mr. Jenner.
To the left?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; there is a house there between Walker's residence and the next house, and the street here, which is Avondale, I believe.
Mr. Jenner.
And you are talking about the street here--you are pointing to a street that runs obliquely from left to right towards the upper corner of the picture?
Mr. Surrey.
Mr. Jenner.
To the left, of the house encircled as General Walker's house?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes. Oh, I see, I am sorry. It is much further back from the street. That is the house.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, the house you say that is next is the one immediately to the left of the one encircled?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; I was looking in this area for the houses. That is correct. That is General Walker's residence, as depicted in the picture.
Mr. Jenner.
And the house to the left is the house you thought at first was not shown, but in fact it is shown?
Mr. Surrey.
It is.
Mr. Jenner.
And who is the owner of that home?
Mr. Surrey.
I do not know. A doctor.
Mr. Jenner.
A lady doctor?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; it is a woman, runs the household.
Mr. Jenner.
Dr. Ruth Jackson?
Mr. Surrey.
It sounds familiar, but I do not know.
Mr. Jenner.
Does she have a dog that is sometimes obstreperous, does a lot of barking?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; she does.
Mr. Jenner.
You are quite familiar with that fact, are you?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir; I am.
Mr. Jenner.
How and why did you become familiar with that fact?
Mr. Surrey.
Anyone approaching the house, generally her house or General Walker's house, would be barked at, in the middle of the night noises.
Mr. Jenner.
And you have approached General Walker's house, I assume, at night, have you?
Mr. Surrey.
Mr. Jenner.
If the dog is out in Dr. Jackson's yard, the dog is alerted and barks?
Mr. Surrey.
Not so much any more. Evidently he knows who I am now.
Mr. Jenner.
I see. But before the dog became familiar with you, he did bark?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
What kind of a dog is it, by the way?
Mr. Surrey.
A small Collie, I guess--shaggy,, brownish dog.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you recall whether or not at or about the time of the attempt on General Walker's life that dog became or was ill.
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; it was. This was reported to me. I do not know of firsthand knowledge.
Mr. Jenner.
I would prefer not to have your hearsay. You have no knowledge firsthand, however?
Mr. Surrey.
No; I do not.
Mr. Jenner.
Unless, Mr. Chairman, you desire to pursue the hearsay----
The Chairman.
No, no.
Mr. Jenner.
Continuing with Exhibit No. 998, and looking at the footnotes, would you tell us whether that footnoting is accurate--A through G?
Mr. Jenner.
I am not familiar with Gilbert Street.
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