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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 410« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Harris Coulter)

Mr. Mckenzie.
And all the above and foregoing testimony Previously testified to from the beginning of this session this morning up through now, you have interpreted; have you not?
Mr. Coulter.
I have.
Mrs. Oswald.
I appreciate Mr. Coulter helping me.
Mr. Mckenzie.
Mr. Rankin, the purpose and reason behind my asking you show his qualifications, the interpreter's qualifications, is that the record will reflect that Mrs. Oswald was asked questions in English and they were interpreted into Russian, and she has answered in Russian--and so that the record will show she was not answering in English.

Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald

Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed

Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald, I would like to turn now to the pictures of your husband that I asked you about earlier, when you identified the gray camera as the one that was used in taking the pictures. And I called your attention to Commission Exhibits Nos. 133-A and 133-B. I now wish to ask you specifically whether you used that camera that you saw identified for the taking of both of these pictures. And in so doing, I wish to call your attention to the fact that there were two different positions in the exhibits.
Mrs. Oswald.
I took both these pictures at the same time, and with same camera.
Mr. Rankin.
And in giving that answer, you have examined the pictures, and you know they are different positions--that is, your husband has the rifle in different positions and the newspaper in different positions in the two pictures--do you?
Mrs. Oswald.
I am aware of that.
Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald, did you ever have a discussion with your husband about when he decided that he would like to become a citizen of the Soviet Union?
Mrs. Oswald.
We discussed this and he said that the Soviet Government wanted him to become a Soviet citizen and furnished him the necessary papers, but he apparently refused. But the way it appears in his diary, of course, is quite different--in fact, the exact opposite.
Mr. Rankin.
By the exact opposite, you mean that it shows in his diary that he was the one that wanted to be a Soviet citizen, and the Soviet Union refused to allow that; is that right?
Mrs. Oswald.
That is correct.
Representative Ford.
When did this conversation on this subject take place, Mrs. Oswald?
Mrs. Oswald.
About 3 months after we were married.
Representative Ford.
While you were living in Minsk?
Mrs. Oswald.
Representative Ford.
Do you remember how the discussion came up?
Mrs. Oswald.
When Lee wrote the American Embassy requesting return to the United States and requesting an American passport, he told me that it was very lucky that he hadn't become a Soviet citizen, and that his passport was still in the American Embassy. And that if he had become a Soviet citizen, it would have been difficult if not impossible to leave.
Before I found out about his diary, I didn't realize that the Soviet Government had refused to grant him citizenship, because he never talked about this, never mentioned it.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Chief Justice, that is the end of the questioning that I planned to examine Mrs. Oswald about. I understand that Congressman Ford has some.
I would like before closing to make an offer of what has been marked now as Commission Exhibit No. 993, which is the story that Mrs. Oswald developed in Russian that was furnished to us, and I want to inform the Commission that it was furnished to us for the purpose of trying to examine Mrs. Oswald the first time, and that counsel at that time and present counsel wanted to make it very clear that they didn't want to lose any property interest in that document.
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