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(Testimony of Bernice Waterman)Miss WATERMAN. Well, in the case of this being a classified file, the file would have been returned to the Classified File Section as I recall, and there would be a note on there to please index the refusal sheet, and then if there were any other instructions, for instance, another office might want the file or ask for it, if no one wanted it, we would ordinarily ask to have the refusal sheet carded and the case filed. Miss WATERMAN. At that time, at least--I don't know what the procedure is now, I have no idea; at that time, at least, the refusal card as I call it, or lookout card would have been prepared in the Records Section of the Passport Office. In other words, a part of the section which handled the files. Miss WATERMAN. Yes; I wrote that myself. Miss WATERMAN. Well, for one thing the refusal sheet would be placed on top of the file, and I am sure there would be a note to flag the attention of the records people that a refusal was there to be carded. But in any event, it would be on top of the file, and there would have been nothing on the right hand margin. There would have been no name. There would have been nothing put on there in our particular office. Miss WATERMAN. In our adjudication part. Miss WATERMAN. No, no; the sheet was completely blank as to the margin. At no time would anything have been entered there, in our adjudication part. Miss WATERMAN. The typewritten red sheet. If you have the file, it is right here. Miss WATERMAN. Well, now this was placed--I think there was a communication which went out at the same time. Miss WATERMAN. I am talking about the Operations Memorandum, yes. Miss WATERMAN. Now that would have gone to file, to the file with this Operations Memorandum, and the Refusal Sheet. Miss WATERMAN. Yes; now I see that was mailed 3 days after it was prepared. In the meantime someone else was looking at it. Miss WATERMAN. No; I wouldn't think so, no. Miss WATERMAN. Well, in the first place the cases were examined by the records people before being filed, and no one would certainly be supposed to file a Refusal Sheet without an indication that he had had a card made. Miss WATERMAN. Yes.
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