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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 248« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Wade.
he wasn't asked about it. That that wasn't part of what his report concerned. I mean, you have to keep in mind Dean is a uniformed officer. He is a sergeant, had nothing to do with the investigation of the crime. He just. happened to be the one who was sent up there to show Sorrels how to get in the jail and out, you know. He wasn't an investigative officer.
Now, McMillon and Archer are detectives, you know, but he is not. He is a uniformed man.
Mr. Rankin.
What did McMillon tell you about his statement?
Mr. Wade.
He just told me what his testimony was. I didn't actually talk to him over 30 minutes, I don't guess, during the noon hour and I was talking to all of them. I had the various statements he made, some of what he said was in the statements and some wasn't, so I don't remember--but the same story was where he was and what he was supposed to do and one dealt with security and the other dealt with statement that he had made. Dean and McMillon and any of them didn't think these statements were admissible while he was in the jail.
Mr. Rankin.
Did McMillon make a statement about premeditation?
Mr. Wade.
He had in his statement that he meant to shoot three times, which was premeditation, but I don't think he thought about it Friday night.
Mr. Rankin.
What about Archer, did he have anything in his statement about Friday night in his prior statements?
Mr. Wade.
No, sir; I don't think he did. He did have about the intending to shoot three times.
Mr. Rankin.
When Dean was telling you about this statement about planning to shoot Oswald on Friday night, was he telling you that Ruby had told him that?
Mr. Wade.
Mr. Rankin.
He didn't tell that to Sorrels?
Mr. Wade.
I think he said he told it to both of them. I think that the question on that, he said when he saw the snarl on his face he first thought about killing him. Now the snarl on his face could have been Friday night or Saturday night.
Mr. Dulles.
That is on Oswald's face?
Mr. Wade.
On Oswald's face.
And I think that, I am not sure of this, but I think that Sorrels remembers saying something about the snarl on his face. But I think the question was whether they were talking before the time of the shooting of Oswald or whether they was talking about Friday night and it is Dean's impression that when he saw the snarl on his face is when he first thought about killing him.
I don't think he ever testified he planned to kill him or anything. I think he said that is the first time he thought about killing him.
Mr. Rankin.
What I wanted to get clear for the Commission was whether Ruby was telling this in answer to questions from Dean or in answer to questions from Sorrels?
Mr. Wade.
I think largely Sorrels. I think at the end Dean asked him one or two questions, mostly about how he got in, I think. I think that is what Dean was asking him about. But I think actually that this came out in the conversation while Sorrels was at least taking the lead in questioning him.
And I think, my recollection is at the end, as Sorrels got through and walked on over to the elevator, he asked him how he got in the jail or something on that score rather than on this subject.
Now, Dean is under the impression that all this came out while Sorrels was there. But I don't think Sorrels, at least, didn't have it in his notes and I don't think he would say it didn't happen but he didn't remember it, you know.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you make any further investigation of this addition or change in the statements of Dean and these other people?
Mr. Wade.
I don't think there is any change in the statement. I think you are asking a kind of a misleading question.
I think that first report dealt entirely with the security in the basement of the thing.
Mr. Rankin.
You don't think that purported to relate what the conversation was?
Mr. Wade.
Up in the jail, I don't think, you may have it there, and I may be wrong. I never questioned him any more because like I said from the time of
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