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(Testimony of Mr. Jack Ruby)I remained with him for 20 or 25 minutes talking there. I don't know whether my ad was completed or not. It was an ad on the Vegas and the Carousel. My ads were completed, I believe, and after finishing my conversation with him, he left. Suddenly the man that completes my ads for me, that helps me with it on occasion--but I usually make it up myself--but the person that takes the money for the ads--this is the reason it is so hard for me to meet a deadline when I get downtown to the News Building. And as a rule, I have to pay cash for my ads. When you are in debt, it is necessary, and they will not put it in unless you pay cash. And consequently, the weekend, I had been to town on that particular day. All this adds up later on, as I will state why I didn't go to the parade. In the first place, I don't want to go where there is big crowds. I can't explain it to you. If I was interested, I would have seen it on television, our beloved President and all the parade that transpired. But all that adds up why it is important for me to be in the News Building. I owe the Government quite a bit of money, and it is doing business out of your pocket, supposedly, in the slang expression. Well, John Newnam comes in, and evidently he took it for granted I finished my ad, and I don't recall if he paid for his ad, and suddenly there is some milling around. I think it was 12, or 15 minutes after 12, I don't recall what, but John Newnam said someone had been shot. And I am sorry, I got carried away. It is the first time I got carried away, because I had been under pressure. And someone else came running over and he said a Secret Service man was shot, or something to that effect. And I am here in the middle with John Newnam, because Newnam isn't paying any attention to anyone else, and there is a lot of going back and forth. So someone must have made a statement that Governor Connally was shot. I don't recall what was said. And I was in a state of hysteria, I mean. You say, "Oh my God, it can't happen." You carry on crazy sayings. There was a little television set in one office not far away from where I had been sitting at the desk. I ran over there and noticed a little boy and a little sister say, "I was standing right there when it happened." I mean, different things you hear on the television. Then the phone started ringing off the desk and I heard John Newnam say people were complaining about the ad, why they accepted this ad. (A tray of water and glasses was brought in.) Thank you. Has every witness been this hesitant in trying to explain their story? Chief Justice WARREN. You are doing very well. I can understand why you have to reflect upon a story of that length. Chief. Justice WARREN. Yes; I am. Then he said, "Well, you have seen him pay part cash and come back and pay the balance." Now everything is very vague to me as to when this transpired; after they heard the President had been shot, or prior to that. You know it's been a long time, and I am under a very bad mental strain here. Chief Justice WARREN. Yes.
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