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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 444« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Patrick , Jr. Hosty)

Mr. Hosty.
would have been in August when it came back, that they had verified Oswald's presence in New Orleans, and that he was working in New Orleans.
Now, this meant under our procedure that since Lee Oswald and Marina Oswald were now located in the New Orleans division, they would take control of the case.
Mr. Stern.
Would you explain briefly for the Commission the terms "Office of Origin" and "Auxiliary Office" and how you use those terms?
Mr. Hosty.
Office of origin is the office covering the area of the residence of the individual under investigation. This is the office which controls the case. Now, an auxiliary office is any other office which has investigation in the case and assists the office of origin in this matter.
New Orleans had earlier been an auxiliary office. Dallas had been the office of origin. Now, the situation was reversed, because Lee Oswald and Marina Oswald were now in New Orleans. This had been verified.
Mr. Stern.
Would you just summarize the relevant dates from March 1963 through August 1963 in terms of your concern and what you found out about his movements and your communications with the New Orleans office?
Mr. Hosty.
All right. This would be March 4 I got the address in Dallas. March 11 I determined that they had moved from that one address to another address in Dallas.
March 14 I verified that address. I sent the communication to the Bureau and requested the case be reopened on March 25. I rechecked in the middle part of May as to if they were still at that address in Dallas and determined that they were gone.
On June 17 New Orleans contacted our office, and advised that they had information that the Oswalds were in New Orleans. Early July I wrote to New Orleans and requested that they verify this information and let me know. Early August they did so verify it.
Mr. Stern.
If you will look at page 2 of the report we have marked for identification No. 829
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Stern.
The last paragraph on that page relates--well, tell us what information that refers to.
Mr. Hosty.
It says, "On April 21, 1963, Dallas confidential informant T-2 advised that Lee H. Oswald of Dallas, Tex, was in contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York City at which time he advised that he passed out pamphlets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. According to T-2, Oswald had a placard around his neck reading, 'Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel.'"
Mr. Stern.
Did you attempt to verify that information?
Mr. Hosty.
When I got it, it was approximately 6 or 7 weeks old, past the date it allegedly took place, and we had received no information to the effect that anyone had been in the downtown streets of Dallas or anywhere in Dallas with a sign around their neck saying "Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel." It appeared highly unlikely to me that such an occurrence could have happened in Dallas
without having been brought to our attention. So by the time I got it, it was, you might say, stale information and we did not attempt to verify it.
Mr. Stern.
When you record this as something that an informant advised about on April 21, that doesn't mean he advised you or the Dallas office on April 21?
Mr. Hosty.
That is right.
Mr. Stern.
Did this information come from another part of the FBI?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir; it came from the New York office of the FBI. They were advised on the 21st of April.
Mr. Stern.
But the information didn't get to you until some time after?
Mr. Hosty.
In June, I believe.
Mr. Stern.
Did you have any information apart from this that there was an organization active in the Dallas area called, "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee"?
Mr. Hosty.
No, sir; we had no information of any organization by that name.
Mr. Stern.
Had you at this time ever heard of such an organization?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir; I had.
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