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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 389« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Alwyn Cole)

Mr. Eisenberg.
let his opaque run into areas which he wanted to save, what areas are you referring to, what type of areas?
Mr. Cole.
Well, areas where there is needed a sharp outline of a box which is to receive some printed information, and this, of course, is a very thin line, and it is very difficult to control this liquid on the negative. There are some places where it has run into the line and apparently it was necessary to make some strengthening or correction of that line later.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Did you see evidence of correction of the line?
Mr. Cole.
Yes; on Commission Exhibit 795 the boxes for selective service number apparently have been strengthened somewhat.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Now referring to Commission Exhibit 801, which is the actual card, do the numbers overlap or extend to the borders of the margin at all?
Mr. Cole.
There is one figure in particular which runs right along the line of the box. This is the first box on the left, and the figures are "41" and the "1" lies directly over the line on the right side of the box.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And does the "4" in "41" and the "3" in "39" overlap the boxes?
Mr. Cole.
They do.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Would that practically necessitate a correction of the boxes?
Mr. Cole.
Yes; it would, in order to repair the line.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Cole, I hand you an item entitled "Certificate of Service Armed Forces of the United States," reading "This is to certify that Alek James Hidell" and so forth, and "Period of Active Duty"--on the reverse side now-"October 1, 1958" to a date which is blurred, and I ask you whether you have examined this item?
Mr. Cole.
I have.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Chairman, may this be admitted as 806?
Senator COOPER. Let the exhibit be admitted.
(The document referred to was marked as Commission Exhibit No. 806, and received in evidence.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
When did you first examine this item, Mr. Cole?
Mr. Cole.
That was also examined in December of 1963, December 6, 1963.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Together with the selective service system notice of classification?
Mr. Cole.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And did you have any negatives at that time, or the original?
Mr. Cole.
I did not.
Mr. Eisenberg.
What was your conclusion at that time, based solely upon the examination of 806?
Mr. Cole.
It was my conclusion that 806 is actually a photographic print from a photographic negative. It is not an original document.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And on what did you base this conclusion?
Mr. Cole.
My familiarity with the appearance of photographic paper primarily.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Did you prepare photographs at that time, Mr. Cole?
Mr. Cole.
I did.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Could you produce those? These photographs are of the front and reverse, respectively, of Commission Exhibit 806?
Mr. Cole.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And these were prepared by you or under your supervision?
Mr. Cole.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And they are accurate photographs of 806?
Mr. Cole.
They are.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Chairman, may I have these admitted as 807 and 808, respectively.
Senator COOPER. The exhibits will be admitted to the record.
(The photographs referred to were marked as Commission Exhibits Nos. 807 and 808, respectively, and were received in evidence.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
307 will be the front and 808 will be the reverse. Mr. Cole, could you attempt to decipher the typewriting on the reverse side as shown in the photograph 808?
Mr. Cole.
The typewriting reads "October 13 1958," and on the second line
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