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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 267« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of J. C. Day)

Mr. Belin.
I notice some pipes on the right portion of this picture as you face it, and I also notice a box.
I will first ask you to state if this picture was taken before or after anything was removed from the area.
Mr. Day.
The sack had been removed.
Mr. Belin.
Had any change been made of the position of that box that is set off by itself in the center of the picture?
Mr. Day.
I don't think the box--well, it is possible the box had been moved. This is an approximate position of it. The box had been dusted for powder and--dusted for prints. The black powder is visible on it. It is possible the box may have been moved a tiny bit.
Mr. Belin.
Where was the sack found with relation to the pipes and that box?
Mr. Day.
Between the sack and the south wall, which would be the wall at the top of the picture as shown here.
Mr. Belin.
You mean between--you said the sack.
Mr. Day.
I mean the pipe. The sack was between the pipe and the wall at the top of the picture.
Mr. Belin.
That wall at the top of the picture would be the east wall, would it not?
Mr. Day.
Yes, sir; laying parallel to the south wall.
Mr. Belin.
Did the sack--was it folded over in any way or just lying flat, if you remember?
Mr. Day.
It was folded over with the fold next to the pipe, to the best of my knowledge.
Mr. Belin.
I will now hand you what has been marked as Commission Exhibit 626 and ask you to state if you know what this is, and also appears to be marked as Commission Exhibit 142.
Mr. Day.
This is the sack found on the sixth floor in the southeast corner of the building on November 22, 1963.
Mr. Belin.
Do you have any identification on that to so indicate?
Mr. Day.
It has my name on it, and it also has other writing that I put on there for the information of the FBI.
Mr. Belin.
Could you read what you wrote on there?
Mr. Day.
"Found next to the sixth floor window gun fired from. May have been used to carry gun. Lieutenant J. C. Day."
Mr. Belin.
When did you write that?
Mr. Day.
I wrote that at the time the sack was found before it left our possession.
Mr. Belin.
All right, anything else that you wrote on there?
Mr. Day.
When the sack was released on November 22 to the FBI about 11:45 p.m., I put further information to the FBI reading as follows: "FBI: Has been dusted with metallic magnetic powder on outside only. Inside has not been processed. Lieut J. C. Day."
Mr. Belin.
Did you find anything, any print of any kind, in connection with the processing of this?
Mr. Day.
No legible prints were found with the powder, no.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know whether any legible prints were found by any other means or any other place?
Mr. Day.
There is a legible print on it now. They were on there when it was returned to me from the FBI on November 24.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know by what means they found these?
Mr. Day.
It is apparently silver nitrate. It could be another compound they have used. The sack had an orange color indicating it was silver nitrate.
Mr. Belin.
You mean the sack when it came back from the FBI had a----
Mr. Day.
Orange color. It is another method of processing paper for fingerprints.
Mr. Belin.
Was there anything inside the bag, if you know, when you found it?
Mr. Day.
I did not open the bag. I did not look inside of the bag at all.
Mr. Belin.
What did you do with the bag after you found it and you put this writing on after you dusted it?
Mr. Day.
I released it to the FBI agent.
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