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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 183« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry)

Mr. Curry.
I think perhaps we told them what we had done. They were aware of the fact that we did know the plans of the various organizations, and I know we sent Lieutenant Revill and a couple of his men up to Denison, or Denton, to talk to a man that had purportedly said they were going to embarrass the President and had made some remarks about it and after we talked with him he said, "I won't even be in Dallas. I was just pepping off. I will assure you I am not even going to be down there. I don't want any part of it"
Then some of the study group in North Texas, we had an informant in this group, and they had decided they would be in Dallas with some placards to express opinions about the President or some of his views. Some of these people were arrested after the shooting because we were afraid that the people were going to harm them. They were down around the Trade Mart with some placards.
Senator COOPER. I have a couple of more questions.
Do you remember the full page advertisement that was in the Dallas paper?
Mr. Curry.
I saw it; yes.
Senator COOPER. Directed against the President of the United States?
Mr. Curry.
Senator COOPER. What date did you give that statement in making any kind of preparations for his visit?
Mr. Curry.
In the first place, I didn't think it was very appropriate, it makes us apprehensive, a little more apprehensive of the security of the President, but we were doing everything that I knew we could do to protect him. I will never forget that as we turned to go down toward that underpass the remark was made, "We have almost got it made," and I was very relieved that we had brought him through this downtown area, and were fixing to get on this expressway where we could take him out to the Trade Mart where we had a tremendous amount of security set up for him.
Senator COOPER. Since the assassination, have you had any actual factors or any evidence or information of any kind which would indicate that any person other than Oswald was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy?
Mr. Curry.
No, sir; I have not.
Mr. Dulles.
Was any investigation made of, I believe it was Weissman, or somebody by that name, who inserted this advertisement to which Senator Cooper referred, was any particular investigation made?
Mr. Curry.
Not any investigation by us.
(At this point, Representative Ford withdrew from the hearing room.)
Mr. Mccloy.
I have one question.
Did you since the assassination or before have any information or any credible information which would indicate that there was any connection between Ruby and Oswald?
Mr. Curry.
No, sir; we were not able to establish any connection between them.
Mr. Mccloy.
You made a thorough investigation of that?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir; we made every attempt to prove or disprove an association between them, and we were not able to connect the two.
Mr. Mccloy.
Do you intend to ask the chief about the General Walker episode?
Mr. Rankin.
Yes; and also about the Ruby episode.
Mr. Mccloy.
I think that is all I have at the moment.
Mr. Rankin.
Chief, I put in front of you there as Exhibit 705, now marked as "Exhibit 705," your radio log that you have just been looking at and referred to, is that right?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you turn to the page there where you find the first broadcast of the description of the suspect of the assassination of the President? Is that on your page 6 or thereabouts?
Mr. Curry.
The pages--yes, it is page 6, channel 1.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell what time of the day that is recorded as having been made?
Mr. Curry.
This shows at the end the broadcast to be 12:45 p.m. It would be on November 22d.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer Exhibit 705 being this radio log which covers a great many matters, but in light of the importance
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