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(Testimony of Gov. John Bowden , Jr. Connally)Governor CONNALLY. Yes; it is. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; it is. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; that is the shirt I had on. Governor CONNALLY. Yes; it is. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; it is. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; these are the trousers to the coat we looked at a moment ago. They were the trousers I was wearing on the day of the shooting. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; it is. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; it does. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; that is the tie I was wearing on the day of the shooting. Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; it is. Governor CONNALLY. They, the Archives of the State of Texas, asked for the clothing, and I have given the clothing to them. That is where they were sent from, I believe, here, to this Commission. (The items marked Commission Exhibits Nos. 699 and 700 for identification were received in evidence.) Governor CONNALLY. No, sir. Governor CONNALLY. It might or might not, Congressman. We have---- Governor CONNALLY. We have there a reception room that is open from about 9:30 to 12 and from 2 to 4 every day, and depending on the time of the year there are literally hundreds of people who come in there. There would be as high as 80 at a time that come in groups, and a tour--this is a very large reception room which, frankly, we can't use for any other purpose because it is so useful for tourists, and they literally come in by the hundreds, and some days we will have a thousand people in that room on any given day. So for
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