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(Testimony of Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw)Dr. SHAW. There can be an extending. sensation and then just a gradual building up of a feeling of severe injury. Dr. SHAW. Yes; but in the case of a wound which strikes a bony substance such as a rib, usually the reaction is quite prompt. Dr. SHAW. Yes. Dr. SHAW. Yes. Dr. SHAW. I think we would have to postulate that the bullet hit the rib itself by the neat way in which it stripped the rib out without doing much damage to the muscles that lay on either side of it. Dr. SHAW. I would not say fully, but he was responsive. He would answer questions. Dr. SHAW. No; we really don't have to question him much. Our problem was pretty clearcut, and he told us it hurt and that was about his only response as far as---- Senator COOPER. Could I ask you a question, doctor? I think you said from the time you came into the emergency room and the time you went to the operating room was about 5 minutes? Dr. SHAW. Yes; it was just the time that it took to ask a few simple questions, what has been done so far, and has the operating room been alerted, and then I went out and talked to Mrs. Connally, just very briefly, I told her what the problem was in respect to the Governor and what we were going to have to do about it and she said to go ahead with anything that was necessary. So this couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes or so. Dr. SHAW. Not at that time. Dr. SHAW. Not at that time. All of our conversation was later. Dr. SHAW. No. Dr. SHAW. I only saw his shoes and his feet. He was in the room immediately opposite. As I came into the hallway, I could recognize that the President was on it, in the room to my right. I knew that my problem was concerned with Governor Connally, and I turned and went into the room where I saw that he was. Dr. SHAW. No; this was later knowledge. (At this point Senator Russell entered the hearing room.) Dr. SHAW. This information was first given to me by a man from the Secret Service who interviewed me in my office several weeks later. It is the first time I knew about any bullet being recovered.
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