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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 101« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James C. Cadigan)

Mr. Dulles.
the gummed tape on the paper sack found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, Commission Exhibit 142, and of the sample of gummed tape in Commission Exhibit 677 obtained November 22, 1963, at the Texas School Book Depository Building.
Fiber analysis of the two gummed tapes in Commission Exhibits 142 and 67? revealed that they were similar in fiber composition.
Sincerely yours,

Tuesday, April 21, 1964

Testimony of Dr. Robert Roeder , Dr. Charles Francis Shaw


The President's Commission met at 1:30 p.m., on April 21, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Senator Richard B. Russell, Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Hale Boggs, John J. McCloy, and Allen W. Dulles, members.
Also present present were 1. Lee Rankin, general counsel; Francis W. H. Adams, assistant counsel; Joseph A. Ball, assistant counsel; David W. Belin, assistant counsel; Norman Redlich, assistant counsel; Arlen Specter, assistant counsel; Charles Murray and Charles Rhyne, observers; and Waggoner Cart, attorney general of Texas.
Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw

Testimony of Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw

Senator COOPER. The Commission will come to order.
Dr. Shaw, you understand that the purpose of this inquiry is taken under the order of the President appointing the Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy to investigate all the facts relating to his assassination.
Dr. SHAW. I do.
Senator COOPER. And report to the public.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Dr. SHAW. I do.
Senator COOPER. Do you desire an attorney to be with you?
Dr. SHAW. No.
Mr. Specter.
Will you state your full name for the record, please?
Dr. SHAW. Robert Roeder Shaw.
Mr. Specter.
What is your profession, please?
Dr. SHAW. Physician and surgeon.
Mr. Specter.
Will you outline briefly your educational background?
Dr. SHAW. I received my B.A. degree from the University of Michigan in 1927, and my M.D. degree from the same institution in 1933.
Following that I served 2 years at the Roosevelt Hospital in New York City from July 1934, to July 1936, in training in general surgery. I had then 2 years of training in thoracic surgery at the University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich., from July 1936 to July 1933.
On August 1, 1938, I entered private practice limiting my practice to thoracic surgery in Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Dulles.
What kind of surgery?
Dr. SHAW. Thoracic surgery or surgery of the chest,
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