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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 488« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Cortlandt Cunningham)

Representative Ford.
It is 12:30 now. We will recess until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
(Whereupon, at 12:30 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)
Representative Ford.
Afternoon Session

Testimony of Cortlandt Cunningham Resumed

Representative Ford.
The President's Commission reconvened at 2 p.m.
Mr. Dulles.
You are still under oath, Mr. Cunningham, so we won't swear you again. Will you proceed?
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Cunningham, I would like to take up a few things relating to this morning's testimony and then we will go back to paraffin test.
First, I hand you two bullets and I ask you whether you are familiar with these bullets?
Mr. Cunningham.
I am.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Is your mark on those bullets?
Mr. Cunningham.
On the nose; yes.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Can you identify them to us?
Mr. Cunningham.
These are two of the tests that I fired from Commission Exhibit 143, Oswald's revolver.
Mr. Eisenberg.
One is a--
Mr. Cunningham.
One of them is a copper-coated lead bullet. In this case, I know that it is Western, because that was the cartridge I used, and the other one is a Winchester .38 Special lead bullet.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Chairman, may I have these admitted in evidence as Commission Exhibit 606?
Mr. Dulles.
They may be admitted as 606.
(The bullets referred to were marked Commission Exhibit No. 606, and received in evidence.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
Now, using these bullets as demonstrations, could you toll us how you determined that the bullets that were recovered from the body of Officer Tippit, which you looked at this morning, and those were Exhibits 602 through 604, were respectively a Western-Winchester .38 Special and a Remington- Peters .38 Special?
Mr. Cunningham.
Yes, sir; however, I couldn't do it with these two bullets.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Sure, use 602 to
Mr. Cunningham.
The copper-coated lead bullet. I could use and I did use it--I made a photograph.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Before we discuss that further, let's see if we can mark that for identification. Can you describe what is in this photograph?
Mr. Cunningham.
Yes. It is a photograph of four bullets. The first bullet starting from the left is Commission Exhibit No. 604. As you can see right on the label, it is Q-501, which would be Commission Exhibit 604. The next bullet to it is a test bullet that I fired from Commission Exhibit 143, which is a known 158-grain lead bullet of Remington-Peters manufacture.
The third bullet in the photograph is our number C-253, which is Commission Exhibit No. 603. And the fourth bullet in the photograph is this particular bullet which you have given Commission Exhibit 606. It is a copper-coated lead bullet of Western manufacture.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Did you take this photograph?
Mr. Cunningham.
I was present when it was taken. I compared the bullets with the negative, and I can testify that this photograph is a true representation-an accurate representation of the four bullets that were photographed.
Mr. Dulles.
And this photograph is Commission Exhibit No.---
Mr. Eisenberg.
If you will admit it into evidence, it will be 607.
Mr. Dulles.
It may be admitted.
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