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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 357« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ted Callaway)

Mr. Dulles.
Had you had previous military service?
Mr. Callaway.
Yes, sir; I was in the Marine Corps 6 years, World War 11, and during Korea.
Mr. Dulles.
Did you ever tangle with the law in any way?
Mr. Callaway.
No, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
What years were you in the Marine Corps?
Mr. Callaway.
1942 through 45, and then '51 through '54.
Mr. Dulles.
Were you in Korea?
Mr. Callaway.
No, sir; I didn't go to Korea. I was at Camp Pendleton as a troop trainer.
Mr. Dulles.
Off the record.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Dulles.
Back on the record.
Mr. Ball.
I would like to offer to Exhibit 539, inclusive.
Mr. Dulles.
Can you tell me what the numbers are?
Mr. Ball.
537, 538, and 539.
Mr. Dulles.
Exhibits 537, 538, and 539 previously identified will now be admitted in evidence.
(The documents heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibits Nos. 537 through 539 were received in evidence.)
Mr. Dulles.
Thank you very much. We appreciate your coming.
(Whereupon, at 12:40 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)
Mr. Dulles.
Monday, March 30, 1964

Testimony of Dr. Charles James Carrico

Testimony of Dr. Charles James Carrico

Mr. Dulles.
The President's Commission met at 9:10 a.m. on March 30, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Representative Hale Boggs, Representative Gerald R. Ford, John J. McCloy, and Allen W. Dulles, members.
Also present were Arlen Specter, assistant counsel; Charles Murray, observer; and Dean Robert G. Storey, special counsel to the attorney general of Texas.
Dr. Charles James Carrico
The Chairman.
All right, Dr. Carrico, you know the reason why we are here, what we are investigating.
If you will raise your right hand please, and be sworn, sir.
You solemnly swear the testimony you give before this Commission. shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Dr. CARRICO. I do.
The Chairman.
Mr. Specter will conduct the examination.
Mr. Specter.
Dr. Carrico, will you state your full name for the record please?
Dr. CARRICO. Charles James Carrico.
Mr. Specter.
And what is your address, Dr. Carrico?
Dr. CARRICO. Home address?
Mr. Specter.
Dr. CARRICO. It is 2605 Ridgwood in Irving.
Mr. Specter.
What is your professional address?
Dr. CARRICO. Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Specter.
How old are you, sir?
Dr. CARRICO. 28.
Mr. Specter.
Will you outline briefly your educational background?
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